Chapter 28

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(Y/N)'s POV:

The night I had was peaceful, in a way I haven't experienced in a while. I didn't want to wake up yet; the imagines of last night kept flashing in my dreams. Sitting in his lap and hearing his voice for so long, I never knew Bakugo could be soft and calm. His voice was deeper when he was calm.

I know I didn't want to tell him about the mall incident, but I'm so glad Deku told him. He surprised me when he actually came over at night. I never expected that or the fact that he said all those sweet, emotional things.

I loved it.

Even though I was enjoying my dreams and my sleep, someone was insisting on waking me up. I could hear them slightly above my head. I try to swat them away, but they are insisting. 

"(Y/N)! You have to get up." I open my eyes and see my mom sitting next to me.

"It's the weekend; dad said I can skip the morning routine on the weekends." I grab my covers and turn to the other side, snuggling more.

"I already know that, but it's already ten. And there are some people here who are waiting for you." she informs me.

I throw the covers off me and go see who exactly disturbed my sleep. I yawn when I reach the bottom of the stairs. "Ah, (Y/N). Did we wake you up?" the voice sounded familiar; I rub my eyes and look closely.

"Deku?" he had company, though. "Kaminari, Mineta, what are you guys doing here?"

"So you're the type that sleeps in volleyball shorts and a large sports jersey. It's perfect!" Mineta comments, and I swear I saw him drool.

Suddenly I was very self-conscious about my clothes. I pull my shirt a bit down and excuse myself.  I hear Kaminari and Deku yell at the pervert for being inappropriate. Apparently, everyone was going to the school to train in the pool. It felt like an excuse just to use the pool, but I won't complain.

I pack a few things in a small sports bag and meet them again outside the house. I tell my parents about the plans, and we just leave. It was the first hangout with everyone, other than the one in the mall. Hopefully, this one will be filled with happy times.

"I thought you would be with the girls; how come you didn't join them?" Kaminari asks.

"I didn't hear anything about such plans," I look at my phone and find messages and missed phone calls from Mina, Momo, and Uraraka. "Ah, they did tell me, but I didn't see the messages." I look closely at the time and snort! "Nine in the morning?! You people expect me to wake up and do shit at nine in the morning!? I wait for the weekend, so I can sleep in." I laugh.

Before I lock my phone, I send a message to a specific person—a concise message.

Kaminari laughs with me. "I didn't think you were the type to sleep in."

"I love my sleep, but dad has a strict morning routine for me during the week." I shiver at the thought. "After I joined U.A, he allowed me a looser schedule. Especially since we already train at school." I explain.

"Oh! It would be really cool to see what kind of schedule your dad, the Pro-Hero, has for you." Deku mumbles and tries to think of all sorts of exercises.

"If you want, you can join us one day. But it's early, like really early. Sunrise early." I warn him.

Deku transformed in front of me! One second he was a young man, the next, he turned into a little boy with stars in his eyes. "Really?! You really mean that? You'll allow me to train with you and your dad?"

"That's it, it's decided!" I stop in my tracks and point at Deku. "From now on, I'll be calling you Izuku!" I exclaim.

"I-Izuku? Why?" he blushes.

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