We ordered some cocktails and a few rounds of tequila shots before sitting at a small table and waiting for the drinks to be brought to us.

We laughed about a multitude of things as the drinks were delivered. Starting with the first round of shots we all toasted to the future and tipped them back, letting the sweet burn of the liquor mingle with the salt and lime.

Once the drinks were gone and we were all pleasantly buzzed we took the last set of shots and walked towards the dance floor into the strobing of the lights and haze of fog blasting from several fog machines.

After about thirty minutes of dancing I had to use the rest room. I told the girls where I was going and as I expected, they insisted on joining me so that we wouldn't become separated.

"So what's it like?" Anna asked Hannah or Ava, I'm not totally sure. "Having a boyfriend or husband I guess."

"It's great when you're ready to settle down." Hannah said as I sat in the cubicle.

"But also, you're still young Anna. I mean you're only just old enough to where it's not weird that you're out with us. You still have plenty of time. My recommendation is to experience life. Experiment and figure out what you like and what you don't. What Britt and Hannah won't tell you is that it's fun to date around. I'm not saying they missed out because I think they both found what they wanted, but the whole high school romance thing is overly Hollywood and very rarely real life. I mean I dated quite a few guys in high school and then in college before I started dating Brett and I had known him as long as Britt knew your brother."

"I guess you're right." Anna sighed.

"I am." Ava chimed back as I walked out of the stall and another girl walked in wiping tears from her eyes.

She was stumbling around and definitely more drunk than anyone should be while walking around by themselves. Her brunette hair was in messy waves as if she had been tirelessly running her hands through it as she walked towards a cubicle tripping on her high heels.

I managed to catch her before she fell as she looked up at me with bloodshot eyes.

"I'm so sorry." She sniffled.

"It's okay, are you alright?" I asked as she straightened herself up.

"Not really. My friends just left me here. I don't have my keys and my boyfriend won't answer the phone." She explained as Hannah offered her a paper towel. "I'm sorry." She eyeballed my Bride to be sash. "You should get back to your celebration, Congratulations by the way."

"Thanks." I smiled before looking over at the girls. It was clear they knew what was coming when they all shot small smiles my way. "So I'm Brittney, but everyone calls me Britt. We aren't leaving yet, but if you want to stay, you're welcome to party with us."

"I couldn't .." she began as Ava interrupted.

"Actually you can, and you will. Let's fix your hair and face and then you're going to have a blast because we take care of our friends."

"Also," Anna added. "I need someone who isn't currently sleeping with someone I know, or am related to talk to."

"Okay." She smiled wiping her eyes again "I'm Leena by the way."

"Well Leena, besides Britt, I'm Hannah, that's Ava and then that's Anna. Welcome to Britts Bachelorette."

Thus she joined us in our endeavors. Ava transformed her somehow in that bathroom into a goddess and she fit right in. We drank some more, danced, and even as we all tired and sat down to wait for the Uber to return, it was hard to picture the night without her.

She had a nice aura about her. She blended in well with us old people, while she seemed to find a lot of things in common with Anna as they hit it off and laughed about the complexity of finding good friends.

We all piled out together with our new friend in tow, as we got back into the familiar Uber and headed to my house. The guys were all going back to Ava and Bretts and I had room.

The celebration continued when we got back, well until one by one everyone started dropping like flies in the living room as we sipped frozen mixed drink coolers.

I waited for everyone to fall asleep across the living room before letting Riley know we were all home safe, and that everyone was asleep before locking the doors and curling up on the reclining chair.

It had been a great bachelorette night and the girls here were a symbol of everything I ever wanted. A small group that i could trust with everything and anything. The only difference is now we had one extra body with us.

As I closed my eyes I couldn't help but think there was a reason we had met Leena tonight. As if meeting a stranger in a bathroom was normal.

Still.'it begged the question on whether or not Leena would make it in our circle, while I also wondered just how much we could release on our own.

At the very least this night would would allow us all to gain another friend, something I hadn't done in a while.

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