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"Thought school was a gun free zone." Azalea muttered as they walked up to Stiles who was talking to one of the Deputies. "You don't think this is a bit much in terms of firepower for a high school?" Stiles asked.

"Your dad's the one that issued us these things and he wouldn't officially say why." Deputy Strauss asked making Azalea raise her eyebrows, "Did he say anything unofficially?" She asked making him look over at her.

"No... But everyone's got a theory." He said making them more curious, "What's yours?" Stiles asked and Strauss looked at him. "I shouldn't be talking to you guys. Don't you have class?" He asked and Azalea smiled, "Who cares? Come on tell us. What's your theory?" She asked and he sighed and looks around making sure that no one is looking at them talking before leaning forward and lowering his voice.

"Do you guys believe in the supernatural?" He asked making their eyes widen as they all look at each other. Azalea hummed and pursed her lips slightly before leaning towards Scott and Stiles, "Someone whose not obvious. Shocking."


"You lost?" Azalea asked making Liam jump and look over to see her leaning up against the wall of the underground tunnels with Scott standing next to her.
"Completely. How did you know I was down here?" Liam asked as they walked up to, "We followed you." Scott said making Liam raise his eyebrows.

"Why are you following me?" He asked and Azalea cocked an eyebrow, "Why are you down here?" She asked and he sighed. "I'm just trying to figure out if this is where they took us. Me and Hayden. Malia said she was down here, too- that the scent was the same. She said you were right." Liam said making Scott and Azalea glance at each other before Scott nodded slightly.

"Uh, there's a turn you keep passing. It's easy to miss." Scott said as he pointed down the hall and Liam raised his eyebrows, "How many times did you watch me pass it?" He asked and Azalea smirked. "Five. Call it mediocre pay back for trying to kill my boyfriend." She said before patting his shoulder, "Come on. Let's see if we can find it together." She said before walking down the hall.

They walked down a hall before Scott and Azalea both slowed to a stop, "Do you feel that?" Scott asked and Azalea nodded, "Like something's vibrating." She said and Scott glanced around. "I can't tell where it's coming from." He said and Liam crouched down and held his hand over the ground,
"It's coming from everywhere." He said making them sigh.

"I was just trying to do something right..." Liam said making them look at him, "You do a lot right." Scott said and Liam shook his head. "Yeah, but I did one thing really wrong." Liam said and Azalea nodded while Scott shook his head slightly, "Hayden's alive. Everything before that doesn't matter." He said making Azalea look at him weird.

"You are way to forgiving. How am I in love with you?" Azalea said, smiling when Scott gave her a look. "It should. I feel like I have to do more than just say sorry." Liam said making Azalea and Scott both furrow their brows, "Actually, you still haven't done that..." Scott said and Liam sighed.

"Back at my old school, at Devenford... I got into a fight with this kid. I knocked two of his teeth out. They made me write a letter of apology. We both knew it meant nothing. We both knew that, sooner or later, we were gonna get into another fight. I can't just say I'm sorry. I feel like I have to do something. Like... maybe, somehow, I have to save your life." Liam said and Scott sighed softly before crouching down next to Liam.

"Don't worry- I'm pretty sure you'll get a chance." Scott said and Liam shook his head, "Well, not down here. We've been walking around for hours, and all we've been able to find is some stupid snake sculpture on the wall." He said making Scott and Azalea look over at what he was talking about.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➢ ɪꜱᴀᴀᴄ ʟᴀʜᴇʏ / ꜱᴄᴏᴛᴛ ᴍᴄᴄᴀʟʟ Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu