Chapter 17

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After a much needed night of sleep at home, dr Bailey came back to the hospital and her first thing to do for the day was talk to Merediths therapists.

She pager all of them, plus Richard and Derek, to a conference room. They came in on by one and eventually everyone was all in.

"Okay. We need to discuss Meredith Greys discharge. Her husbands getting antsy." Bailey said, rolling her eyes at Derek.

"We'll go around the table. Lauren, you first, then grace, then Peter." Bailey ordered.

Lauren cleared her throat before speaking. "As a speech therapist who sees patients like this daily, I think Meredith is at a decent point. She's progressing well considering we've been working together for about a month. She's still skipping words quite a bit, but I'm confident with a lot more sessions she'll gain her full speech back." She explained.

"That's good. Do you think she's well enough to function at home with just Derek?" Bailey asked. Lauren nodded. "Derek, you seem to understand her, probably better than all of us, and I'm comfortable with their verbal communication." She replied.

"Grace?" Bailey asked.

"Well, Meredith's memory is quite good actually. It takes her a minute sometimes to grab it, but she seems to have an intact memory overall. As for the words, there all still in her brain, it just needs to be pulled out, which Lauren will take care of." Grace said.

"And are you comfortable with her going home?"

"I am. Obviously, with more and more sessions, I think she'll have 100% of her memory back, words included." She answered.

"And...Peter." Bailey asked.

"Well, obviously she has arm weakness. She can still barely move her arms, although we're working on it. She does have some feeling in her hands, like if I touch one she can feel it. But as for lifting things and stuff like that, we're still a ways off from that." Peter explained.

"So can she come home or not?" Derek interrupted.

"I think she could, but she definitely needs round the clock care. And with not being able to move her arms, I mean she cannot be alone at any time." Peter replied.

"So yes?" Bailey asked for clarification.


"Okay. So we can either discharge her today or wait until tomorrow after her therapy session today." Bailey said.

"Can we wait until tomorrow? I still have a lot to do at the house." Derek asked. "Sure. I would like to work with her more today about home stuff." Grace replied.

"Okay. Thank you everybody." Bailey said, dismissing everyone.


Derek went back to Merediths room with a smile on his face. He walked over to her sleeping form and kissed her forehead.

She groaned and slowly opened her eyes. "Away." She mumbled sleepily. Derek chuckled. "Fine. Guess you don't want to be discharged tomorrow." Derek said casually.

Merediths eyes snapped back open and she sat up. "T-tomorrow?" She asked with a grin. Derek smiled. "Tomorrow. Bailey and I talked with your therapists and we think your ready." He explained.

"Me home!" Meredith cheered, pressing a kiss against his lips. "We're going home!" Derek repeated, hugging her close to his body.

"Me get home...Derek" Meredith said

"You want to watch tv when we get home?" Derek asked, climbing into bed with her and cuddling close.

"Me...crappy tv more no." Meredith said sternly. Derek Chuckled. "No more Crappy daytime television shows? I'm on board with that." He laughed.

Meredith smiled. Derek understood her so well and that made her feel not like an idiot.

"Hey, you know what I thought of the other day?" Derek asked out of the blue. "What?" Meredith responded.

"When you're well enough to go on a vacation, we should. Dr Welsh told me it's good to have something to look forward to. What do you think?" Derek asked.

"Good. Sound good. To?" Meredith asked, smiling. She was excited. Maybe going on a vacation with Derek would bring her back and make her feel somewhat normal.

"I don't know. Where would you want to? We never got around to having our Bahamas wedding. We could Go there." Derek suggested.

Merediths eyes lit up and nodded. "B-Bahamas. Naked." She smirked, eyeing Derek up and down from the bed.

"Naked, huh?" Derek asked. "Naked Derek yes." Meredith replied, Blushing slightly. "Sounds good to me." Derek replied, caressing her stomach.

"Baby." Meredith blurted randomly. "Baby?" Derek asked with a confused expression.

"Derek me....still baby have?" Meredith asked hesitantly. "We can still have a baby. When you feel ready, when you are ready." Derek assured her, smiling.

The fact that she still wanted a family with him after all that happened was amazing to him. And even with brain damage, he had no doubt she would be an amazing mother.

"Baby." Meredith murmured to herself. "You're going to be a really good mom, Mer." Derek praised. Meredith looked away. "Hope." She said quietly.

"You will be." Derek replied.

"Brain...hurt." Meredith said, no confidence in her tone. "Your brain may be hurt. You may have brain damage, but your still the same woman like I said. Even if you skip a few words occasionally, you'll still be a fantastic mother to our kids some day." Derek said honeslty.

"Too." Meredith whispered, nuzzling her head into his chest. "Thank you, Mer." Derek replied, hugging her close to his body.

Derek felt Meredith relax In his arms and fall asleep. Derek always knew Meredith would get begged, but now that she was going home, he had so much more hope for the woman asleep in his arms.

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. As always, if you have any suggestions or ideas for future chapters let me know. Thanks for reading and I hope your all doing well!!

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