Chapter 9

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Today was Merediths first official day of therapy. She was starting off with Lauren, then Grace, and then Peter the next day.

"Look fine good?" Meredith asked. She had requested a clean gown from one of the nurses and had Derek brush her hair.

"You look beautiful." Derek replied softly, kissing her forehead. He so desperately wanted to kiss her lips, but he didn't know if she would be comfortable with that.

She did look beautiful to him. She had certainly lost some weight, weight that she couldn't afford to lose, and it was showing, but she still looked gorgeous to

"Thank." Meredith mumbled, blushing slightly. That was her new thing. Blushing every time someone complimented her. And Derek thought it was adorable.

Meredith and Derek wheeled to the therapy room and knocked at the door. He felt Meredith tense as she said Lauren. "Hi Meredith." Lauren said with a warm smile. "Hi." She responded timidly. "Do you remember my name?" She asked.

"L-Laurie." Meredith answered hesitantly. "Lauren, but Laurie works too." Lauren smiled. "Derek, Meredith and I are going to have our first session alone, if you don't mind. We'll probably be about an hour." She said, directing her attention to him.

"I have to leave?" Derek asked, frowning. "Yes. In order to really get what I need to know, I can't have a loved one in the room." She said gently. "But-"

"Okay. Derek okay." Meredith cut in. "Are you sure?" Derek asked softly. Meredith nodded. "I okay." She replied confidently.


Derek left the room, leaving lauren and Meredith alone. "Okay Meredith. So, I'm your speech therapist, as I said the other day. Today, we're just going to get a feel for how your speaking and go from there. Sound okay?" Lauren asked.

"Okay." Meredith responded. "First, I'm going to show you a few pictures and I want you to just tell me what they are. If you don't remember them, that's okay and I'll just tell Grace and we'll move on." Lauren explained.

Meredith nodded and looked at the picture Lauren held up of a dog. "Dog." Meredith said with a hopeful grin. "Perfect. That was very good." She praised.

"M-momkey?" Meredith guessed, staring at the second card. "You know what it is. Good. But can you say monkey instead of momkey?" Lauren asked softly.

"M-momkey." She said. "M-momkey." Meredith repeated herself. "No!" She yelled, hitting her head on the bed behind her, angry at herself. "Hey, it's okay. We'll keep working on it. Do you have something that you do to help calm down?" Lauren asked gently.

Meredith nodded. "Foot." She replied, raising her foot to show her. "Good. So use that when you get angry, don't hit your head." Lauren said gently.


Therapy went on for about an hour until Derek let himself in the room, desperate to know how it went. "Derek hi." Meredith said. "Hi Mer. How did it go?" He asked quietly.

"Went good." She replied, looking tired. "Today we went over basic one word words and just tried to pronounce them. Meredith did very well." Lauren praised.

Meredith blushed and smiled. "Did well." She said, smirking. Derek grinned and kissed her forehead. "I'm proud of you." He murmured.

"Me tired." Meredith mumbled as she leant her head on to dereks abdomen. Derek wrapped his arms around her and held her close. "Ready to go?" He asked softly. Meredith nodded and Lauren gave him to go ahead nod.

Derek brought Meredith back to her room and she got into bed by herself. "Want to take a nap? I think my mom is gonna swing by later. I have some stuff to do." Derek said apologetically.

"Nap take. Derek bed." Meredith replied with a yawn. "You want me in the bed?" Derek asked, smiling softly. Meredith nodded.

He climbed in next to her and she put her head on his chest. "Derek naked." Meredith murmured. Derek sipped his water and almost spat it out. "You want me naked?" He asked. Yup, his Meredith was still in there.

"Derek naked." Meredith smirked, half asleep. "Maybe another time, Mer. You're going to fall asleep in a minute." Derek replied quietly, only to have snoring as a response. He chuckled to himself and let himself close his eyes for some much needed rest.


A little while later, Derek woke up and quietly and gently left the room only to bump into Bailey. "Shepherd. How's grey doing? I meant to pop in earlier, but a trauma came up." She asked.

Derek smiled slightly. "She's good. Shes back to herself, mainly." He replied. Bailey observed his manner and raised an eyebrow. "And why are you so happy? Not that that that's a bad thing." Bailey asked suspiciously.

"Just....mers more and more herself everyday." He said softly. "How so?" Bailey asked. "Do you really want to know?" Derek smirked. "Actually, I do. I asked, Shepherd." Bailey said sassily.

"She asked to see me naked. Happy?" Derek asked. "Okay. That's....great, I guess. I'll stop In later to see her." Bailey said, hurrying off.

Derek laughed as he went to Thatchers room. He wanted to see Lexie. "Lexie." He said quietly. Lexie's head turned around from her father and frowned. "What's wrong?" Lexie asked worriedly.

"Nothing. I just wanted to talk to you for a minute seeing as your my sister." Derek replied calmly. "Derek?" Thatcher asked, speaking up. "Yes?" He replied.

"How's Meredith doing? I just....I get discharged tomorrow and I....I wanted to maybe stop by." Thatcher asked hesitantly. "She's okay. And no. You aren't stopping by." Derek replied. "Lexie?" He asked.

"W-wait. Why can't I see her? She's my daughter." Thatcher asked. "One, I don't think she'd want to see you, two, I don't even know if she remembers you." He answered. "Please." Thatcher pleaded. Derek sighed and looked at Lexie's hopeful gaze. "Fine. Only if she agrees."

Derek and Lexie walked alongside as they talked. "Are you holding up okay?" Derek asked gently. "I-I don't know, Derek." Lexie admitted. "Why are we in the cafe?" She asked confusedly.

"Because I'm starving and I know for a fact that you haven't eaten or drunken enough since this whole thing went down. And as your in law, it's my job to make sure your taking care of yourself. So grab a muffin, and sit down." Derek said.

Hey guys!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. If you guys have any suggestions for future chapters feel free to drop them! Thank you all for reading!

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