Chapter 6

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Derek woke up to his wife's groan. "Mer? What's wrong?" He asked. "Scratch." Meredith replied. "Scratch? Did you cut yourself?" He asked.

"Belly. Scratchy."

"Is your incision itchy?" Derek guessed. Meredith nodded. "Does it hurt?" He asked gently, putting a hand on her shoulder. Meredith nodded. "Hurt." She said.

Derek discreetly paged Bailey and  lifted up Merediths gown. "Can I check your belly?" He asked. Meredith nodded.

He pulled the gown up all the way and frowned. Her incision was obviously infected. It was very read, and he could feel how warm it was.

Derek poked around and Meredith groaned. "De-k." she moaned. "I know. I'm sorry. Baileys going to be here any minute." He replied softly.

"Shepherd, why did you page me during my only break time?" Bailey asked coming into the room. "I think her incision is infected." Derek blurted.

Bailey looked concerned as she examined the wound. "Definelty infected. Does it hurt, Grey?" Bailey asked. "Ouch." Meredith replied.

Bailey took her temperature. "And you have a slight fever too. I'm gonna start you on antibiotics and redress the incision." She said.

"Dress?" Meredith asked with a frown, looking at her  gown. "You're incision, honey. We're gonna put a new bandage on." Bailey clarified.

Bailey had a nurse administer antibiotics through her IV and began cleaning up the incision. "S-stop." Meredith said as Bailey replaced her stitches. "It's okay, Mer. It's okay." Derek soothed.

Meredith was very uncomfortable. "Hurt. De-k. Ouch!" Meredith exclaimed. "I know it hurts. I know. It'll be over soon." Derek said gently as he climbed into bed beside her.

Meredith was shaking slightly. "Stop." She whispered into dereks chest. "All done, Grey." Bailey announced gently. "S-stop." Meredith repeated. "She's done, Mer. It's okay. You're okay." Derek said.

Meredith was still shaking and panting even after Bailey left the room. "You're safe, Mer. It's just me and you. I got you." Derek whispeed.

"Me no like." She said softly. "Don't like what?" He asked quietly. "Talk...can't. Bran no say." Meredith replied.

"You don't like not being able to talk?" Derek guessed. She nodded. "Bran no say."

"I...brain doesn't say?" Derek asked.

Meredith took a deep breath. "Meredith bran no say. No like."

"Mer, I...." Derek trailed off. Meredith frowned in frustration and hit her head on the bed. "No, Mer. Don't do that. If your frustrated, take a deep breath and let me know." Derek said sternly.

"Me stupid." She whispered. "You're not stupid." Derek argued. "Me....bran don't say. Meredith don't say."

"You know what your feeling and thinking in your brain but you can't get it out?" Derek guessed. Meredith. "Tr-trepped." She said.

"You feel trapped?" He asked, his heart breaking at her attempts to tell him how she felt. "Yes." She replied. "I'm sorry, Mer. How about we come up with a sign to tell me when your frustrated or don't want to talk or if your scared or anything?" He asked.

Meredith nodded. "How about...when you don't feel like talking or if you get nervous or sometning like that, you raise your foot?" Derek suggested.

"Like...." Meredith trailed off as she lifted her leg up. "Just like that. So when you do that, everyone has to listen and you tell me what you want." He replied.

"Okay." Meredith responded. "Okay." He repeated with a smile as she leaned her head against his chest. He could feel her slight fever against him, but tried not to worry.

He eventually felt Merediths body relax and knew she fell asleep.


Mark was worried for his best friend. And for his girl friend. Taking out his phone, he took a deep breath before calling the number.

"Mark? What's going on, sweetie? You never call me randomly." Carolyn Shepherd asked through the phone. "Hi mom." He replied.

"Mark. What's wrong?" Carolyn asked worriedly. "Nothings wrong with me physically. Or Derek. I'm just worried about Derek." Mark explained.

"Okay...why?" She questioned.

Mark took a deep breath before explaining. "You know dereks wife, Meredith, right?" He asked. "Yes, I met her once. She's a sweet little thing, isn't she?" Carolyn asked.

"It's about her." Mark said.

"Is she okay?" Carolyn asked In concern. "Meredith donated a piece her liver to her father-"

"Wait, I thought Derek said she doesn't talk to her father." Carolyn cut in. "She doesn't. Let me explain." Mark said gently.

"Meredith Donated a piece of her liver to her father. Meredith has a sister, Lexie, you Met her too, and she's my girlfriend. She did it for Lexie, not for her father. Anyways, she underwent surgery and there was a complication. Everything went well with the liver, but she coded. They couldn't...they couldn't get her back for nearly 13 minutes." Mark explained.

"13 minutes..." Carolyn breathed. "She has brain damage. From what Lexie told me, she has trouble talking and she can't move her arms."

"Oh is Derek holding up?" Carolyn asked. "That's why I called. He's...he doesn't want to leave her room. We have to force him. He feels guilty. And I'm just....worried." Mark replied.

" you need me to come down? How's Lexie doing?" She questioned.

"Lexie thinks she's the reason meredith is hurt since she helped convince Mer to do the surgery. And Derek....I think you should come up, mom." Mark said honestly.

"Okay. I'll be down tomorrow. Let Derek know?" Carolyn asked. Mark smiled as he heard the clicking in the background. "I will. Thanks mom." Mark said.


Mark ended the call and went to Merediths room, where Derek was sitting. "Derek." He whispered, as not to wake the other dirty mistress.

"What's up?" Derek asked. "Come here." Mark said, waving him over.

Derek left the room quietly and looked at him. "What?"

"I called mom. She's coming up tomorrow." Mark blurted. "You...what? Why?" Derek asked in surprise. "You need her. She's Merediths mother in law. She'll help. I...she needs to come, Derek." Mark said.

"Okay. Okay. Thank you Mark." Derek replied with a sigh as he went back into Merediths room, thinking of how to tell her his mother was coming.

Hey guys!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. If you guys have any suggestions for future chapters feel free to drop them! Thank you all for reading!

Lost and InsecureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora