Chapter 15

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A few days later, Meredith had speech therapy. That went...okay. But after that, she had therapy therapy. You know, the kind where she had to talk about her feelings.

Derek had Brought up the idea to her timidly after their chat about how Meredith was feeling. She agreed, surprisingly enough. "" Meredith admitted as he rolled her up to the room.

"Aw, Mer. It's okay to be nervous. You don't need to be, though. You know, it isn't Dr Wyatt." Derek replied, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"None Wyatt?" Meredith asked in confusion. "Nope. Her name is Dr Jess Adams. I had no idea she worked here. She specializes in patients with brain injuries. I did some research on her. Her son, Leo, got into an accident and has a TBI. She understands it, and she has really good reviews." Derek explained.

"Oh." Meredith responded simply.

They got to the room and Derek knocked before entering. The room was a neutral, gray color, and had some cute decorative things along the room. The woman behind the desk smiled and looked at them.

"Hi. My name is Dr Adams, but you can call me Jess. And you must be Meredith." She said kindly, standing up and walking over. Meredith hesitantly held out her hand and she shook it.

"Hi. Im Derek, and this is my wife Meredith." Derek introduced himself. "Meredith, come take a seat. Or do you need that chair?" Jess asked. "Me sit," Meredith said before Derek could get a word in. standing up and moving to the couch.

"Alright. Derek, we'll be done in about an hour." Jess said.

Derek walked to Meredith and bent down. "You'll be okay?" He asked softly. Meredith nodded and pressed her lips to his. "L-luh you." She said. Derek smiled. "I love you too. Ill see you in an hour." He replied before leaving.

"Okay Meredith. So, lets just get to know each other first. Ill start." Jess said with a grin. "Im 43, I have a 17 year old son, Leo and a husband who loves me more than anything. My son was in a car accident and has a TBI, much like you do. He has trouble speaking, and he too feels depressed sometimes."

" D-derek husband. L-uh him. feel bad." Meredith stammered. "Tell me more about Derek." Jess said with an encouraging smile.

" best friend. Know well me. Make feel safe." Meredith said, a smile playing on her lips. "My husband does too. How does Derek make you feel?" Jess asked.

Meredith smirked and Jess looked amused. "Not that way." She said, smiling. "Derek me feel con-confortable. Derek no judge." Meredith explained.

"So you feel comfortable talking to him and opening up to him? Do you feel that way with anyone else now?" She pried.

Meredith nodded. "C-Cris. Cristina. Lexie."

"Thats great! But why don't you talk to them if your comfortable with them?" Jess asked gently. "Don' judge. embarrassed." Meredith responded.

"Embarrassed. Why are you embarrassed?" Dr Adams asked. "Me...not me no more. No talk...not me." Meredith whispered.

"Hey. You are still you, Meredith. Want to know what I told my son when he said the same thing?" She questioned. Meredith nodded. "I said to him 'you are the exact same person you were before. you still love tacos, you love playing video games, and you still love watching tv with me. just because you have a hard time talking doesn't make you a different person'." Jess explained.

"You know, I talked to your husband on the phone. And he told me a bit about you. You like surgery, right?"

Meredith nodded. "You still like pizza, right? What about bubble baths?" She asked.

Meredith nodded again. "Me like all." She said with a smile. "See? Thats what im saying. You liked all this before your accident, and you still do. You're still Meredith Grey." Dr Adams said.

"Me Meredith." Meredith breathed with a smile. "Exactly. Thats all we have today, but I will see you soon. it was great talking to you today, Meredith."


Derek brought Meredith back to her room and helped get her settled back into bed. "Me hungry." She said to Derek. He smiled. "What do you want to eat?" He asked.

"Pizza!" Meredith exclaimed eagerly. "Okay. Ill be back in a minute."

A little bit later, Derek arrived with two steaming hot slices of pizza for her and helped feed her. He climbed behind her in the bed and put his legs around her while holding the pizza to her mouth.

"So? How was your therapies today?" Derek asked, hoping she would respond.

"Laurie good. Hard. Good." Meredith replied. "And how about Jess? How was she?" Derek asked. Meredith took a deep breath. "Me okay. Okay Jess. Talk much."

"Yeah? Did she help you feel any better?" Derek asked, smiling. Derek really wanted Jess to help her feel better.

"Yes." Meredith admitted.

"Thats great, Mer." He said, happy. "Pizza good." Meredith said, leaning into his chest. "Im glad its good. Hey, guess what I walked in on today?" Derek asked with a laugh.

"Derek what?" Meredith asked demandedly. "You know Eli, the nurse?" Derek asked. Meredith nodded, urging him to go on. "Well, I went into an on call room to get in a quick nap, but I chose the wrong one. Guess who was...under Eli?"

"Derek tell! Tell!" Meredith yelled anxiously. "Bailey." Derek said. "Way no." Meredith gasped. "Uh huh. It was...something I can't get burned out of my head." Derek chuckled.

"Say Bailey booty call." Meredith said with a giggle that made Dereks heart flutter. "Booty call Bailey? God, thats hilarious." Derek laughed.

"Me want...Alex. Cris. Lex. Here." Meredith said. "You want to see everyone?" Derek asked. She nodded. "Okay. Tomorrow I can ask. How about we take a quick nap?" Derek suggested.

"Okay. Derek love." Meredith agreed.

"Love you too." He replied

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. As always, if you have any suggestions or ideas for future chapters let me know. Thanks for reading and I hope your all doing well!!

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