Chapter 11

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"De-k, bye!" Meredith exclaimed as grace rolled her out of her room to the therapy room. She was in a much better mood after the whole thatcher incident.

"Bye Mer!" Derek called back, chuckling.

They got to the therapy room and grace took a Seat across from Meredith. "Okay Meredith. Can you tell me my name?" Grace asked with a warm smile.

"G-grace." Meredith replied. "That's right. So, as you know, I am one of your therapists. I'll be working with you on your memory, okay?" She asked.

Meredith nodded. "So, let's start off with some things you know. Who are some important people in your life?" Grace asked.

"D-Derek." Meredith said instantly. "Right. And who is Derek to you?" Grace questioned. "H-hus.....ring." She replied.

"That's right. Who else?" Grace smiled.

"" She responded. "Cristina? And is she your sister...." Grace trailed off.

Meredith nodded and grace frowned. "She's your sister?"

Meredith nodded again. "Okay." Grace said, scribbling it down on her paper. "Can you tell me one more person?" She asked.

"Lexie good." Meredith responded. "Sister." Meredith added. "Good. Nice job. Now, I'm going to show you some objects and youre going to tell me what they are." Grace explained.

She held up a cup and Meredith studied it. "Cup?" She concluded after a moment. "Right. What about this one?" Grace asked.

Meredith had no idea what it was. Or the next one. Or the next. She got so frustrated. She slammed her head against the bed so many times, and not even grace could stop her.

"Meredith, stop. We're going to have to restrain you." Grace warned, paging Derek. She had seen multiple patients explode, and it broke her heart every time.

"N-no!" Meredith yelled, hitting her head again. "Ow." She hissed. Her head was pounding. But doing this was the only way she felt she could get her emotions out.

"Hey mer- what's going on?" Derek asked in concern as he jogged over. "She got frustrated, and she won't stop hitting her head on the bed. Calm ber down or we'll have to restrain her." Grace warned.

Derek stoped Merediths head with his chest drom hitting the bed again as he slid behind her. "'s okay, I'm here. You're okay." He whispered, grabbing her wrists in his hands and enveloping her with his body.

"De-k." Meredith sobbed. Her head was pounding, and she was so pissed off. "You're fine. I'm here. You're safe." Derek murmured. Grace has left the room moments ago, letting her patient calm down.

Meredith calmed down minutes later and sighed. "What's wrong Mer? Are you ready to go back to your room?" Derek asked gently.

"Hurt head." She whispered. "Your head hurts?" Derek asked in concern. Meredith nodded. "Okay. I'll get you a CT." Derek said.


About an hour later, Meredith found herself In the white tube. "De-k?" She asked anxiously. "I'm here, Mer. You'll be out in a second." Derek replied through the intercom.

Meredith was transferred back to her wheelchair and Derek met her outside. "Everything's fine. You, my dear, gave yourself a grade 2 concussion." Derek replied.

"S-sorey." Meredith whimpered. "It's okay, Mer. It's not your fault." Derek lied. "I'll get you back to bed and give you some pain meds for the headache." He said.

Derek helped Meredith back into bed and settled her in with some Tylenol. "Head hurt." Meredith whispered. "Want me to lie down with you?" Derek offered.

Meredith nodded. He climbed into the bed behind her and pulled her into his chest. "Close your eyes." He instructed lightly.


It wasn't until grace came in that Derek woke up. "Grace, hi." Derek said groggily, getting out of bed. "How did today go? Other than this whole...issue." He asked as they stopped outside of the room.

"It went well. She did get some stuff wrong...she said Cristina was her sister." Grace said. Derek smiled. "Meredith and Cristina are really close. They're practically sisters. They- or me, I suppose, call them the twisted sisters." Derek explained.

"Twisted sisters?" Grace asked, a smile playing on her lips. "Yeah. They've been best friends since internship and their relationship is...interesting." Derek replied.

"Okay. She didn't seem to remind quite a few objects as well, like a plate and socks." Grace explained. "Oh....okay." Derek breathed.

"For our first season, it was pretty good, I will say that though, derek." She said. "Okay. I should get back." Derek said, turning to the door.

"Hey Derek?" Grace called. Derek turned. "This is just a bump in the road. Remember that." She said.


Meredith woke up hours later in dereks warm and safe arms. Her head still hurt a little, but it was manageable. She was embarrassed.

She caused a scene in front of Derek and her doctored and it was humiliating. She shifted in dereks arms and nuzzled into his warm embrace even further.

"Hey grey." Bailey said quietly as to not wake the sleeping neurosurgeon. "B-Bailey." Meredith whispered. "How are you feeling? I heard what happened earlier." Bailey asked.

Merediths cheeks tinged pink and she looked at her lap. "Me fine." She replied in embarrassment. "What's wrong?"

"N-no thing." Meredith answered, not making eye contact. Bailey came over and gently pulled Merediths chin up to look her in the eyes.

"You have nothing to be embarrassed about, you know that, right?" Bailey asked. Meredith looked away. "It's okay to get frustrated sometimes and breakdown. I do it all the time. There's no shame in that." Bailey said gently.

"Okay." Meredith whispered. "Okay. You're feeling okay?" Bailey asked again. "Yes." Meredith responded. "Okay. Get some sleep, I'll see you in a few hours." Bailey said before leaving.

Meredith closed her eyes once again and settled into dereks arms.

Hey guys!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. If you guys have any suggestions for future chapters feel free to drop them! Thank you all for reading!

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