Late night texts

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Last night was fun, as you recalled everything that happend. You wished Suna could have been there to join in on the card game, Cards against humanity. It was a entertainment to play while being so bored in the room. Perhaps it was for the best that Suna hadn't been there. What would you have talked about on your date if you and him said everything that had to be said with everyone else there in the storage room? The bag. The bag with the banana bread. You expected Suna had received it back by now. If not, it had probably gone bad. Or worse, Osamu had went back for it. You hoped for the earlier one out of those options.

Your reflection stared back at you through the mirror. You only stared at yourself. getting nothing done by it.

"Am I pretty?" You asked yourself out loud. You never really cared too much or even had the thought cross your mind. But you never expected to go out on a date so young in your life, or ever in your life at all. Now Suna on the other hand, was indeed pretty good looking. You knew that much, anyone who looked at him did. You wanted to look good for Suna if he did.

You stared at yourself some more. Nothing was done still. "Well, I don't think I'm ugly... I've seen worse." You immanently felt bad about what you just said. People don't choose what they look like, they can't really do anything about it either. That's why plastic surgery is a option for them.You thought.

You blinked. Letting go of your look in the mirror of yourself. You turned away, and walked to grab a toothbrush, remembering you hadn't brushed them yet. You need your teeth to shine on your date. Suna's always seemed to look shiny. Your hand stopped while still hanging onto your brush. Since when did I start comparing me to other people? You went back to looking into the mirror. Surly Suna couldn't think I look that ugly if he asked me out on a date...sort of. For food. You felt lonely suddenly. Realizing you were talking in your head, and not to real people.

"I'll call Kuroo then. Maybe he'll tell me if I'm ugly or not." You thought about it some more. Wouldn't that be weird though? You've only known him for a few days now, didn't know a whole lot about him. But you would feel better if you had someone's else's opinion. "I could call my mother." The thought was quickly erased. Never would you want to contact your mother for looks. She'd never give an honest opinion about your appearance.

You went and looked for you phone after putting your toothbrush away and spiting. You held the phone in your hand, putting it up close to your face, deciding if you really wanted to go through with this. You opened your phone app, getting ready for conversion by clearing your throat. You clicked on his name, Kuroo.

"I could just text the guy... He might be busy anyway." You discouraged yourself.

A sigh left you, clicking on the text option on your screen, typing in your massage. Hey Kuroo. Are you busy rn? Is what you sent to him. The first massage you've ever sent to him. It was Friday, maybe he was at work still or maybe he went drinking out with friends on Friday nights? You didn't know what he did really in his spare time-

Your phone beeped, the notification saying you had received a text. You didn't need to check who it was from, you already knew.

Oya (Y/n) nah i'm not busy why? You wanna talk??

Little did Kuroo know he just read your mind. Yeah if you can can you call me? You felt nervous as you clicked send, but you went through with it.

Sure chibi-chan.

You weren't sure what the chibi-chan was about. You didn't stop to ask, pressing on the call button now. You listened to the phone ring for a while before you heard a voice come through it.

Flight I-1018I Suna Rintarou x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora