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You peeled the banana's for the mixture, dropping them into the bowl. Stirring them next, mixing them well into the batter. You stared as your mixer did this, wanting it to be perfect. It wasn't weird to want something perfect was it? Many people would want their food to taste good if it were to be given to other people, even if they didn't like that person romantic. You breathed deeply.

Guessing that was good, you turned your mixer off, pouring the ingredients in a bread dish, and then putting them in the already warmed up oven. You set the timer for a few minutes, once it went off you would check on them, making sure they wouldn't burn.

Now all you had to do is wait. Waiting was the hardest part for you, the unreliably of not knowing if it'll turn out right. You wondered if you should just start another batch now, you figured the first one wouldn't turn out the way you wanted it to so you would have to make another. But if it did turn out well, that means you wasted more ingredients making a second batch.

You decided just to watch TV. You'd know soon enough if they'd turn out well, then you could start on your second attempt. You didn't care much for TV, you never really watched it much either. As a adult or teenager or kid. You didn't want to watch people do things, you wanted to be the one to do things. Still, The Office was on, you knew that was a popular show, so why not watch it for a bit.

A bit showed up to be more like a hour. The timer going off, you rushed to the oven, grabbing your oven mutts and opened the oven to see how the batter was looking. It wasn't fully cooked, you could tell that much. You closed the door of the oven, thinking of how much longer you should put it on, you weren't sure. You typed in ten minutes, and traveled back to your couch.

Ten minutes went by rather fast, hearing the ringing of the alarm of the oven you ran over to it again. You opened it up, revealing...burnt bread. Dammit! You thought, I put the bread on for too long! You got your mutts to take out the burnt bread, setting it on the counter in the kitchen. Time for your second batch.

Once more, you piled in all the ingredients, peeling more bananas for the bread. Mixing that all up, pouring that product into a bread dish that you had to clean out since the last batch, and slap it into the oven. Set the timer on for a different amount of time, and settled back down on your couch. It was late at night, hopefully you wouldn't fall asleep on your couch while waiting for your banana bread to cook.

The timer went off. You stood up, walking to the kitchen, you opened up the oven to see the bread and how it turned out. The middle of the bread cooked to perfection, the edges burnt, snakes a little ways up the bread. Well, only half was burnt was time. You exhaled. You've made banana bread before, but this was unlike any of the other times. The other times you were usually just making it for yourself or your family. Suna was a hot guy. You couldn't deny his appearance anymore.

Slipping your oven mutts on once more, you outstretched your arms to grab the hot food from the heating surface. While getting a hold of the sides, your wrist got a little to close to the wall of the oven, which was still very hot.

"Ouch!" You yelled, reacting to get to the kitchen sink as quickly as possible to spill cold water over your harmed skin. You twisted the handle of the sink, the cold water rushing and pouring out from the faucet onto your wrist. You hissed at the coldness, you shivered. This is stupid. You thought to yourself, stopping the water. You ran your wrist up to your mouth, sucking on your injury.

You walked to your bathroom, slamming into a cupboard to get some medicine for your burn. "Some petroleum jelly should be good, right? That's what mom said to use when I got a burn..." You mumbled under your breath.

Flight I-1018I Suna Rintarou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now