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"Open your mouth." You said more or less harshly than what you had meant too.

He obeyed, opening his mouth for you to shove a bite sized piece of cake inside. He closed his mouth when the fork was fully inside, you slipped out the metal utensil from his lips. He moaned at the taste of the vanilla cake touching his tongue. You smiled at the delighted Suna. Feeling someone's eyes gawking at you both, you turned to see Atsumu. He was pouting.

"What's wrong?" You ask, leaving Suna unattended by your gaze. Atsumu did look hurt for some unknown reason.

"You never spoon feed me." He pouts more, ignoring the disgusted look his twin gives him, if he ever even saw it.

"'Tsumu, he has a boyfriend. And you can eat yourself. Last time I checked you weren't disabled." The twins stare at one another, much longer than a moment's time. They were giving each another the stink eye, seeming to be threatening to get into another rumble of a flight.

Ojiro steps in. "You guys aren't bothering (Y/n) and Suna, right? You guys know I can drag them away if you want alone time. No offense, but these two are...kinda stupid."

You laughed, Sana's laughter also filled the pizza place. All of you were having yourselves a splendid time. Well, everyone except Atsumu. Ginjima talked with Riseki, complaining about the noisy people he just had to deal with at the front desk. Riseki simply nodded along with the end of every sentence, Ginjima didn't seem to mind one bit. Ren was eating a slice of pineapple pizza, lonesome from the pack of pilots and others. Ojiro still trying to train the twins how to behave like the parent he was- he'd make a great dad, you noted. You accompanied Suna with food, nothing less to be expected. All in all, everything was great. Ginjima was still confused by the situation.

"What do you mean you're dating him? You can't focus on work on dating a...a scumbag like Suna!" He cried once you'd finally made the announcement.

"He's not that bad." You had replyed. To people's dismay, they all seemingly agreed nothing was wrong with the relationship, even if Ginjima had his doubts.

Atsumu was also attached to the string of concern. "Remember, if you guys ever break up, I'm here for you." He'd say. Though you weren't interested in his offer, or him himself.

Ren said nothing on his topic, practicality nonexistent to the room.

Now you fed cake to your boyfriend, answering a few questions here and there about the relationship. Some were asked to Suna, though he wasn't the best at answering them.

"What's your favorite thing about our princess?" Asked Atsumu, pouting less, but not over it. He may have known, but having everyone else know and mean it when they said you were off limits only made him wish he could have you.

"Uh..." Suna sat quietly as eyes were drawn upon him. He scratched his chin. "Her...la...laugh?"

Atsumu scuffed at his response. "Lame. Anyone could say that. Can't you dig a little deeper? Put some effort into it- Ow!" Osamu pulled on his ear, resulting in him shutting up. Kind of. "Ow! Stop 'Samu! It hurts!"

Suna broke into a chuckle while viewing their scandal. Meanwhile, you silently enjoyed his smiling face from beside him.

A yawn escaped from Ginjima, lifting his arms above his head tiredly. "What time is it?" Dark circles were visible underneath his eyes, he laid down his arms on the table he sat behind.

"It says seven thirty on that clock over there." Said Ojiro reading the clock on the beige wall beyond you.

"Wha- Seven? I have work tomorrow!" Ginjima scrambled to his feet, his movements not looking so sleepy as they were before. "I gotta get home to sleep!" He felt around for the phone in his pocket somewhere, finding it he pulled it out. "Fuck! This can't be happening! Bye everyone! See you all tomorrow!" He howled, swiftly heading out the door in a hurry.

Flight I-1018I Suna Rintarou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now