Favorite pizza

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For chapter reasons, (f/p) means favorite pizza. Thank you for understanding! (If you don't like pizza, just pretend you do).

The first question you thought of was how long? How did you know? How'd you figure it out? None of those were one thought, none of those were in order either. None of them formed into actual words, only lingered in your head as you went "Eh!?" A tint of red coming onto your cheeks. Atsumu knew you were dating Suna? Should you admit to it here and now, would Suna become mad if you were too?

You bit your bottom lip, staring his confident smile, staring back down at you with those brown eyes. "What? I and Suna..." Can I deny it now? It'd be a lie and I'm not sure I could even get away with it either or tell him the truth later. "How do you know that?" Disturbance in your tone, the hint of rage on the side. Not knowing what exactly you were mad about, you tried to calm down. They had to find out someway.

Atsumu started laughing, you took offense thinking he was mocking you. "Suna told me one day. Told me not to tell ya though. Guess I kinda just found out. No biggie." He says no biggie like it wasn't a big deal. And it...wasn't?

You, not knowing what to feel, stood stunned. Suna told someone, he didn't offer you the info, his own girlfriend. The little rage fair going on inside of your head wouldn't leave, but there wasn't much to be mad at. There was a sense of relief of finally someone acknowledging that you were dating, that someone besides Kuku now. Ginjima knew you were dating, but not who.

"Ya and him should really consider tellin' everyone sometime. Or...now if ya know what I mean." He winked at you, more teasingly than anything. "I told 'Samu I'd take him out for pizza and I'd hurry. I'd best be goin' now. Bye (Y/n)! See you there!" He waves goodbye before you could scold him for anything insignificant.

Standing there, nothing to do, you waited. Waited for Suna to come out so you could yell at hime. Yes, that's what you'd do, yell at him. The anger would go away then, right? You could only wait and see as the glass door opened, Ren and Riseki walking side by side.

"Hey (Y/n). O-oh... Are you ok? Your face looks a bit red... Do you need a doctor, are you sick?" Riseki looked the most concerned out of the two pilots standing before you.

It took you moments to response properly. "N-no. I'm fine." You say shakily, hoping everyone else was ignoring the stain of red settled on your cheeks. "You guys are going to the...the, um-"

"To the pizza place?" Ren filled in.

You nodded.

"Yup." Ren said, uninterested in any conversion left to be had. "I should get going if that's Miya's car." He watched a certain vehicle pass, a red one.

Must be Atsumu's and Osamu's car. You thought, bending your head a little to not let people make contact with your reddened face.

"You're coming too, right (Y/n)?" Riseki asked after a moment's time. There was a genuine curiosity in his question.

"I'm coming. I was...waiting for Suna." You were honest for once to someone besides Kuku, Ginjima, and Atsumu apparently.

Riseki rose a eyebrow, not understanding why you would, but he asked nothing else. In fact, Riseki's eyebrow was the only gesture of concern.

"Alrightly. See you there and Suna, I guess." He said, turning to leave himself, Ren following to his own car.

In another heartbeat they were gone. They truly didn't care, or hid it exceedingly well. The next person was no other than Suna himself, his hair messy, growing concern started inside you.

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