To plan

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Tapping your foot was a tad usual from what you generally do while waiting for a Uber to pick you up. You typicality just waited around by playing on your phone, scrolling through Instagram, liking photos of someone, regularly a celeberty. That was common for you, but the foot tapping was different. Your body language was described as anxious, worrying.

The Uber, not Akagi, his shift for work was already over when you got out of work, could even tell.

"Everything ok back there?" The driver asked, causally glancing at you by the mirror in the car. The driver had dark brown eyes, you noted.

Hesitantly, you nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine. Busy day as work."

"Work?" They sounded confused.

"I'm a pilot at Inarizaki." You sighed. You didn't feel energetic enough to do introductions.

"Woah. That sounds cool." They didn't act half as animated as Akagi. The Uber was laid back, which in your case was good. You were feeling to tried to make room for conversion.

Glancing at the box that sat beside you made you smile though. It made you happy, knowing it was banana bread that Suna himself probably made and knowing Suna gave it to you. It made you feel special, you couldn't lie about that.

I should text him when I get home... Oh, we're already here. You commented, packing the box in your lap, realizing it was closer time to get out.

"Thanks for the ride." You opened the door, stepping out, only suddenly getting déjà vu. You recalled how you got out of Suna's expensive looking car on Saturday. "I really got to text him..." You whispered to yourself, hearing the car pull away. You climbed the steps to your home, unlocking the door, you turned around. Suna's car wasn't there. You blinked, walking in to your house and taking out your device to contact Suna.

Your fingers started to type. Thx for the bread pilot Suna ^_^. You stopped moving, staring at the message, not sending it. Was he sleeping? Maybe you should wait, you wouldn't want to make him awake from his nap. He had work tomorrow. You laid your phone down on a table, then started slipping off your shoes.

"It's feasting time!" You called out to no one. You lived alone, but you admitted you felt less lonely when you actually voiced things out loud.

You sat the box on the table, grabbing a plate to set the banana nut bread on. Once you finally retrieved it from the box, you cut it with a butter knife and enjoyed it. Suna was a good chief. A hella good chief. You chewed your banana bread in peace, not thinking about anything but how delicious it was. Unbothered by what happened today. It was like Suna planned this, perfectly he planned it to give you food on the worst day of your life. The day that beat your stage fright day from Elementary day. But you didn't get free food that day. How sad.

Randomly, at some point you started making up scenarios about you and Suna's next date. I wonder if he made make it as sweet as last time, with the stars and picnic. Or maybe I can plan our date next... I wouldn't be very good at planning a romantic date like Suna's ideas though- oh. What's that?

Your eyes landed on a note at the bottom of the cardboard box. Your chewing stopped, staring at the the note. The side of the box covered up some words on the paper, meaning you had would to get up to fully read it, which you did. Standing on your feet now, you looked in the box and picked up the piece of paper to read.

Hello (Y/n),

Hope you like the bread I made. Really sorry you burned yourself, make sure it doesn't get infected or some shit. Hate to have you miss work to go to the doctor. I'd say write see you tomorrow but you probably won't have night shift with me then, so see you in another two days or somethin.

Flight I-1018I Suna Rintarou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now