Pale green eyes

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You felt small under the man's gaze. His green eyes seemed to tare into your soul. He didn't move only stared at you as you peered back at him.

The plane didn't look as if anyone else was inside, you found it off if he was a passenger going on a plane all alone. Meaning he must be a pilot, or have something to do with planes right?

"Hey, (Y/n)! What are ya doing?" Atsumu asked, trying to guess what you found so hypnotizing to gape at the same spot of the plane for. Then he saw it. His coworker just standing there on the stairs one would usually use to jump on a plane with. "Oi, Suna. You doing your work or just standing there admiring my pretty girl for me?" There was sarcasm in his voice, but anger followed.

Atsumu clearly didn't enjoy Suna staring at his new prized procession.

"Nothing." He said simply, turning away from you and disappearing into the plane

You watched. He didn't come back, nor did he say anything to you, not even a word. Yet you felt funny. Maybe you'd met him somewhere before and you couldn't remember it right then. So your head swung back to Atsumu, Osamu beside him.

"Hey, 'Tsumu, we should probably get (Y/n) onto her schedule for today. Boss probably signed her up for some easy work since she just began." Said Osamu.

"I don't need easy work! I can take a task!" You called at him relentlessly.

That made Atsumu laugh. "I'm sure ya can. But let's see what Boss gave ya anyway. Better hurry too, in case Ginjima comes back. Don't want 'em taking ya to your destinations do ya?" He laughed more.

"Er, yeah." You agreed. You didn't stop that man's gaze from coming back into your head. His green eyes were so serious, they held something in them nerveless. You couldn't understand it.

"Speaking of the devil..." Osamu whispered. His attention turned the opposite way from yours and his twin's.

You didn't need to look to know it was Ginjima was coming. You watched as he came stumping to you anyway. He wasn't happy, to be expected as someone who had their audience taken away from them.

"You idiots are wasting my time and Mr. Shinsuke's! What were you even planning on doing without (Y/n)'s papers?" He disapprovingly yelled at the twins.

"Hmm, guess I didn't think 'bout that." Atsumu sounded like he really didn't care.

"Come on. We have to go over there." Ginjima was looking at the papers Kita had giving him in his office. His pointer finger showing the other planes out in the distance.

"Great. I'll take her. Matter of fact, why don't you give me the papers and I'll show her where to go, which planes to go on." Osamu suggested.

Wait, you were going on a plane? You heart unexpectedly sped up in hopes that you would indeed.

"No. Go do your work. Don't you have anywhere to be? Like on a plane yourself?" Ginjima was still mad.

"That's right." You glance over at the twins. "You two work on planes?"

They stayed silent for a moment.

"Kind of." Osamu started. "Me and 'Tsumu are flight attendants. So we basically work on them, just not on the way you might think."

"Oh, flight attendants..." You came to the realization. You were thinking they flew the planes, pilots. This is what you got from not asking where they worked in the plane. Not a big deal. Yet you were disappointing you weren't going to get paired up with one of them to fly.

"Well, no more fooling around. (Y/n), let's go. I'll show you which plane you may head on."

So you are heading onto a plane!

Flight I-1018I Suna Rintarou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now