Make me some

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With Suna's brows narrowed at you, you felt your heart hop to your throat. Suna was mad, and at you. You've never seen him mad before, you didn't know what to expect from him.

Why though? I only yelled boo at him and he jumped. That was it basically. You thought. Still, you were fearful. Suna was much bigger compared to you. He could mange to lay you to your death if he wanted to badly. His strengths range was unknown to you.

"Hey... Suna, I'm sorry-"

He cut your words off, picking your feet off the ground slightly. His green eyes never leaving your (e/c) ones. He was holding you by the collared of your shirt uniform. He was really scaring you by his actions, he hadn't hurt you, not yet at least.

"Suna calm down. I was only trying to scare you." A scared smile craved your lips, looking down at the man crossly.

Unexpectedly, he spoke. "Idiot. That was your biggest mistake. I don't tolerate people like that. Remember how I caught you after you almost fell? Well, let's see what happens when you do fall." No real anger was used in his voice. Your brain didn't pick up on that from being so frightened.

Surly someone, a passenger even would see this and help you?

A cursed smirk tugged on his mouth, his grip on your clothes let down. Your feet made contact with the floor of the plane. Blood was racing in your veins, you were dizzy. Exercising all that, then to see a smirk on Suna's face. What was his deal?

"Are you...mad? What the fuck was that?" Brows frowning over your once frightened eyes.

He loomed over you, his smirk growing to his approval. "No. It was a joke, dumbass. You scared me, obviously had to get you back." He spun to go the other way.

You stood there, in the middle of all the seats made out for passengers around you. You fell onto one. You knew sure enough you would eventually you'd have to stand again. But you needed a break. He just wanted to get you back on your little joke. You didn't scare him half to death when you did yours though.

Regaining your head space and thoughts, you focused yourself on your feet. Strange, Suna didn't turn backwards to see if you were alright, nor did he come back out from the flying control room. How nice and considerate of him. Now you felt madder then ever. You wanted to tell yourself it was a joke, nothing more nothing less. But he truly scared you in that moment.

You needed to be a pilot right now. Not start a argument with Suna.

Stupid Suna. Stupid Suna. The thoughts ran through your mind again and again.

You opened the door, Suna settled down, neck dent at his phone. The tips of your ears were red, you could feel them,

"Hello, Suna." You regretted re-greeting him after the words left your lips.

"That's pilot Suna to you." He corrected.

Your bottom lip stuck out. You pouted, not wanting anything else but to explode. Meanwhile, Suna studied your face, your cheeks were red. Perhaps he hurt your feelings? He was either more or less like this to everyone. Treating people never differs for him. A witched feeling he hadn't felt since high school stirred in him. Guilt. Something he should have done differently, he regretted something. He regretted making you panic. Strange. Last time guilt was on him like a tattoo was when he participated in volleyball, when he lost. He thought he could've been better, done something differently for his team to win. And you brought those feelings back, even reminded him of something he once loved so dearly.

It pained him to sit next to a person who brought back good and bad memories. A person like that is to dangerous for him to be around.

There was nothing said nor spoken.

Flight I-1018I Suna Rintarou x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz