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You couldn't stop talking to Futakuchi, or at least felt like it. Your time with the pilot was running out. You had a plane to catch with Omimi as scheduled, and you really couldn't afford being late anymore. But you wanted to stay with Futakuchi. You wished Aone would talk more, then you would get to learn so much more about him, but it was like how Futakuchi said it: Aone was quiet. Maybe Riseki wasn't so bad at speech after all.

"(Y/n)," Omimi laid a hand on your shoulder. "We should get going."

You looked at him, then back to Futakuchi. You sighed, peered your head around to check Omimi again.

"Five more minutes?" You shared a smile at him. He didn't look pleased that you were attempting to beg.

"I'll leave without by then."

"Right... Can't be late anymore."

At your last sentience Futakuchi shot up. "You're usually late for work? How? Flying such a great and stressful job, why would you want to miss it?"

You were left speechless, staring at the brown haired male.

Futakuchi leaned in by you. "(Y/n), have you ever flown anything through a storm?"

You rethought of all your flying training. "Well, there was one time I flew a plane, smaller plane by myself through a light storm. It's wasn't anything big though, not like your story where you saved all those people." You told him.

"Mine was a near to death experience. Hopefully you'll never have to go through it yourself. Most pilots find themselves in a situation where the clouds do start raining down on them at least once, and there's lightning... It's terrifying. I know, from experience. But nothing worried me more than those passengers. There was seven-hundred and thirty-four on that plane. More than seven hundred lives that could've died because of me. I felt guiltily right then and there. It wasn't like I could stop the storm or knew it was going to happen. I realize now that the storm wasn't my fault, but then all I could blame was myself. Maybe the world hated me at that moment and wanted to kill me, but decided not to the next. Wanna know what the mortal of this story is?"

"What?" You asked, there was a bit of sourness in your tone from hearing his story.

"That you should quit being a pilot and become a weather forecaster!" He slammed his fist down onto the counter.

Out of the tip of your eye, you saw Aone jump from the unexpected gesture.

"And why didn't you?" You asked Futakuchi.

"Oh no. I would never. I belong in the sky not looking at it." He took a sip of water from a cup on the table.

"Same here. But I really must be going now. It was truly an honer meting you Futakuchi and Aone!" You waved as you left the lounge.

"Come on... Why'd you have to sit there and talk all day?" Omimi started to complain.

"It wasn't all day! I'd much rather talk to him longer anyway!"

You walked further and further away from the break room, you peered behind you to see the closed door. You'd fly back here again, you knew. And yet there was so many more places you had to fly to, so many you haven't even discovered.

You stepped onto the plane, pushing your way to the control room like how you did every time. You let yourself collapse on your pilot chair in the room, hearing Omimi walk in after you took your seat. You could hear the door click shut as you went to touch your headphones to wear on your head.

"Do you mind if I...give the announcements on our way back?" You did a side glance turns Omimi once your headphones had been placed on correctly.

"Sure. If you want to." He gathered up his posture before adding, "Do you know how to?"

Flight I-1018I Suna Rintarou x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя