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The movie gave off enough light to gleam back at yours and Suna's face, capturing all of your and his best features since he had turned off the light once more. The TV screen displaying the cartoons characters beautifully, like it should, as you tried not to tear.

Suna looked over at you for the first time in maybe a hour, only to see your eyes wet and visibly about to fall out from your eyes any moment. He felt a little bad when he smirked at your tearing face, your cheeks getting hot and red. He'd never really seen you so fragile, he didn't think the first time would be in front of a TV screen either. Though he didn't say anything, waiting for the movie to end as you cuddled on the couch together.

You sniffled. Here he was trying his damn hardest now to laugh, you'd better appreciate it. You started to wipe off your cheeks, tears falling on them. A sound of laughter came from Suna, holding his long arms around you. He tried, he really did.

"Are you laughing?" You ask, a hint of anger in your voice, cracks in your words since the lump in your throat began to form because of the sad movie.

"It's fun- cute. It's cute when you cry." He smirks at you, you don't peer back at him, still facing the TV.

"It's funny?" Your hands cover your eyes, not wanting your boyfriend to see you cry. You shake you head after you spoke, you didn't want a answer. You didn't feel very well, immeasurable sadness creeping its way into your soul, not going to leave for a while it seemed.

"Who cries over cartoon characters? (Y/n), doesn't that sound ridiculous?"

"Up is a sad movie ok?" You try to not let him see your disgusting, teary face. You didn't wish anyone to see you like this, a mess. And mess over a movie, crying at its finest.

"It's up. I've seen more sad things." Suna's arms fall off of your torso, getting up and leaving the couch.

Where is he going? You think, but don't ask. Your voice sounds like a frog's.

A few minutes later, Suna comes back, not empty handed though, he has something in his hands. He sits it down on the coffee table, a soft cling sounds from the glass, a glass cup. You turn your glaze to glance at it, it's hot, steam fading in the air above it. Tea, he made you tea. Your heart fluttered at the sight. Did your boyfriend really make you tea? You shake your head in disbelief.

"I didn't know if you wanted any. Is this movie over soon? I'm getting kinda bored of it, not gonna lie." He yawns, you can hear him.

You glance at the hot tea, it felt rude not to drink it once he'd put the work in brewing it for you. Taking it into your hands, mindfully and carefully, you sip it. It's hot, running down your throat, almost feeling healed from it, you take another sip of the delicious tea.

"Thanks for the tea..." You say, nearly just a whisper to his ears since the volume of the movie.

The brown haired man nodded, a speck of blush coming to his cheeks for you thanking him. He just assumed the movie would be over soon, after the credits roll on the scree, it'd be time to bring you home, he was painfully aware of this. Trying to enjoy the last bit of the boring- sad movie with you, he remapped his arms around your waist.

"That was a sad movie! Admit it Suna!" Your voice carried into Suna's kitchen, where he stood collecting the tea cups and dumping them in the sink.

"I've seen sadder." He can't name any off of his head, hopefully you don't ask. You don't, thankfully.

"Lair." You call him.

He sneered, staring down into the sink. How dare you talk like that to the man who made you tea, offered you a movie to watch, and was spent time with your boring ass? Him. He did. He knew he didn't mind though, because if he did he wouldn't have invited you into his home, showed you his fucking house. The poor man didn't even knew why he felt like this, for you, (Y/n).

Flight I-1018I Suna Rintarou x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora