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The loud, untiring noise, though it was uninvited to your ears, it was also non leaving. Like the rain that followed it. It bothered you to no bitter end. At last, the lightening had calmed, maybe a flash more or there from the remains but nothing as tedious as before. The radar showed you you were in orange, one color down the danger level from red. Red was the worst. Not to long from now, you'll be in green, and landed at the Inarizaki airport. After all, you were so close you could almost taste it.

Suna's breath was hitched and unrevealing. It raged all your senses seeing a perfect guy like Suna so riled up. It brought pain to your heart and eyes. There was no mistaking the uneasiness in your own inhales and exhales. You were making all the difference by trying to hide it from the pilot who sat beside you.

"We'll be fine." You thought it was funny, he had said that to you when you both heard and were notified about the lightening storm. "We're almost there at the airport too." You told him, not meeting his green gaze. You were scared he'd find out about the anxiety you were keeping to yourself. "Look at the radar. Near the green, aren't we?" You try and frag his piercing eyes away from you after you confirmed he was staring at you for far to long.

"Yeah..." He more or less whispered to himself.

The plane hissed more and more loudly, you could tell. But decided it was for the best to not tell Suna, he was under enough pressure by the whole plane falling out from the sky. And to think, you almost crashed. Now you were so close, you just had to make it.

"Fl-ight I-1018I, pilots can you hea-r me?" A new voice came ringing into your headphones, you could hardly believe it.

You pressed on the button, speaking loud and clear, guessing they would hear what you had to say. "Hello? Anyone there? Pilots (Y/n) and Suna are here. We're fi-" You stopped yourself before saying fine, you were far from fine. "The plane- flight I-1018I was struck by lightening. Can you hear me?" Your finger never left the pressed button.

"Yes. I ca-n hear. Are yo... Inarizaki?" The voice on the other side asked.

You weren't able to hear the question, biting you lip, you asked: "What? Please repeat."

It took them a second. "Are you b-y Inariza-ki?"

You nodded, then stopped, realizing they couldn't see the nod. "Yes! Suna," You turned to him. "Are you getting this?"

Suna silently nodded, not meting your eyes.

"We're right by there!" You say.

"G-ood. There is a lan... on the ai-rport for you. I-s everyo...ght?"

You had trouble hearing them fully, but you were sure they were asking if everyone was alright. Strange they ask it after they decided to ask about the plane. "Yeah. Um, well, as least we haven't heard anything bad from the cabin crew... But the pilots- me and Suna are fine." You smiled, hoping that no passengers weren't truly hurt or were in any injury.

"Good to hea-r." The voice began to sound more comprehensible. "Inarizaki is ready for you to la-nd. We're very happy to hear that you're alright."

You nodded, sighing when you noticed what you were doing again. "Yes. We should be able to make it." If we hurry. We don't want this wing to get any worse. You thought silently, taking a swift glance at Suna who looked calmer.

"We'll be waiting for your arrival."

You meant to ask the voice who 'we' were, but they were gone from your line. Your finger fell onto the steering wheel once more. "They're waiting for us at Inarizaki." You checked the radar, fingers crossed. "Hey! We're in the green! Look, Suna!" You scampered.

Flight I-1018I Suna Rintarou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now