The date

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Walking through your kitchen, you checked twice for any mistakes you may have made while gathering around your supply's. List in hand, you started to check the things sitting on your counter off with a little check mark. You needed things to be perfect, you felt like you would never forgive yourself if they were not.

"And what's the party streamer for?" Kuroo asked, eyeing the objects on the counter while being on a video call with you. Though it wasn't much of a call per say. He was mostly just watching you from where you had sat your phone on the counter, close to where you laid the rest of your things.

"Decoration." You say, marking off the last thing, feeling more satisfied then what you've felt all weekend.

"Are you throwing them a birthday party?" Kuroo asked, a eyebrow rose in amusement.

"Why? Is it too...little kiddish? Maybe the streamers are too much extra." You think out loud, taking the black party streamers off of your kitchen counter.

"No, no." He started again. "You know your mystery boyfriend way better than I do. Maybe they like that type of stuff, keep it. I'm not trying to tell you what to do." He declared, waving his hands around.

You sigh, placing the streamers back on the counter top, looking straight into the camera of your phone. "I just gotta set it all up now." You say to Kuroo.

"That sounds fun." He says sarcastically, resting his chin on his hand.

", Kuroo? I haven't told you this yet, but..." You took a deep breath in, trying to not act like you've lost all confidence in yourself, which you indeed have. "The guy I'm dating, he kissed me a few days ago."

You began looking for a shocked expression on his face or something easy to read. His relaxed eyes did grow bigger, looking interested in the topic, his lips curving up into a tight smile.

"You kissed him, or he kissed you?"

"He kinda...he kissed me."

A devilish grin appeared on his face. "And?" The look in his eye were hungry for more story. Story you didn't have.

"A-and?" You stutter, blushing lightly. I did not do the dirty with Suna! I said he kissed me! Why does Kuroo randomly hint on things that weren't there? You thought nervously.

He fake pouted. "Aw. So that's where the story ends? No more good juicy parts? Wait, don't tell me that was your first kiss, kitten." He lifts up a cup of what you assume to be coffee.

"Kuroo! What the heck! That's private. I wouldn't let you know if we did that."

"But you've told me just about everything else...but his name. When do you plan for me to me this dude?"

It's true I've told him just about everything, but I wouldn't tell him that. Not even if we're close friends. Little does he know he's met the guy too. You think more to yourself before answering. "When I feel like it, I guess. But I gotta set this thing up, bye Kuku!" You pick up the phone and stop the Face Time and start getting to work.

It was at the very least going to take you two hours or more to put the whole scenery together, counting the decor as well. You picked up a duffle bag, packing the objects into it, placing the things in places you know they won't break in. You just wanted to be sure. In case you changed your mind, you grab the streamers and roll it into a small ball, sitting it on top of the other selection of things.

As you pack, you rethink your decision of not telling your friend Kuroo about the dreams and nightmares you've been having ever since...that day. You'd rather not talk about it, hoping that the cure would just come to you eventually. It hasn't, but it's only been a handful of days since the it happend. Kuroo might've had some good advice on hand for you though. Kuroo's always had good advice for you. Still, you didn't talk to him about it when you had the chance, so you probably never will.

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