"Hayden, it's Azalea. We can explain everything to you if you come out. It's alright if you don't want to talk, or if you're not ready to believe us. But we gotta know that you're okay in there." Azalea said and then looked back at the guys. A second later the door unlocks and opens a bit.

Azalea slowly pushed it open to reveal Hayden standing there. But her eyes were glowing a bright yellow, her teeth and turned into canines and her hands where now sporting a set if claws.

"I believe you..."


"What about me?" Kira asked as she and Azalea stood around Azalea's room after Azalea explained Scott's plan to help Hayden. "You'll come to the school with us. We're going to need all the help that we can get, so bring your belt." Azalea said and Kira sighed, "Actually, I think I lost it again..." She said and Azalea shrugged slightly.

"I'll help you find it. Where did you have it last?" Azalea asked and Kira shook her head, "Azalea, it's okay. Last time I was around telluric currents, things didn't go so well." She said and Azalea sighed. "This time it's the school, you're there every day. It's not the same." Azalea said and Kira shook her head again.

"I made it worse by being at Eichen. They used me to get inside. I think I need to figure out what's going on with me before I try helping anyone else. Just be careful, okay?" Kira said and Azalea sighed, "Are you sure?" Azalea asked and Kira nodded. "If this works tonight, what happens tomorrow? Are you gonna keep trying to find places to hide her?" Kira asked and Azalea sighed softly.

"If this works tonight... Scott wants to catch one of them."


Parrish pulled up to the school and got out as Malia, Azalea and Lydia walked over to them. "We're betting our lives on these?" Malia asked after grabbing one of the jammers, "I think we're betting Hayden's life on them." Lydia said as Azalea handed her one. "Yeah, well, I'm glad I brought my gun." Parrish said before shutting the trunk door. Lydia, Azalea and Parrish walked into the locker room and Parrish started setting one of the jammers up.

"Is it me, or is Liam not aware of the second part of the plan?" Lydia whispered as she and Azalea walked up to Scott, "I'm still not sure if there's going to be a second part..." He said. "Or if it's going to work." Lydia said and Scott nodded while Azalea sighed. "If he finds out he's going a be really angry." She said and Scott sighed, "I know..."


"Scott." Azalea said as she and Lydia walked up to Scott while Liam and Hayden talked. "We were thinking... Since we can't use our phones, we can't check in on Stiles and Theo." Lydia said making realization cross over Scott's face, "I didn't even think about that." He said and Azalea nodded.

"Me, neither. So, we're standing here, waiting for guys in masks and breathing tubes to show up. But who- or what- are Stiles and Theo waiting for?" Azalea said and Scott sighed and shook his head slightly.

A little while later Lydia and Azalea sat on one of the benches together while Scott paced back and forth and Liam and  Hayden sat against some lockers. Hayden was falling asleep on Liam's shoulder as he glanced around before noticing Scott's duffel bag.

He slowly got up, being careful not to wake up Hayden before walking over to the bag and opening it. The sound of chains rattling made Scott, Azalea and Lydia look over to see Liam pulling out some chains from the bag. "What were you going to do with these?" Liam asked as he looked back at Scott who shook his bead slightly, "Brought them just in case." He said and Liam furrowed his brows.

"In case of what?" He asked and Lydia turned to him, "In case we had a chance to catch one of them." She said making Liam look at them in shock. "If we can't make the school a fortress, then maybe we can make it a trap." Scott explained and Liam squinted at him.

"They're coming for her- doesn't that mean she's the bait?" Liam asked and Azalea sighed and stood up, "Liam, we brought her here to protect her." She said and he nodded and slammed the chains down. "And now she's bait." He said and Hayden looked at them as she stood up, "Am I?" She asked.

"No, no one's bait. But we can't be bodyguards to everyone every night." Scott asked and Liam raided his eyebrows, "Then why aren't we talking to Stiles' dad? Why aren't we doing something better than hiding in a school?" He asked and Scott shook his head slightly.

"Because we still don't know anything about them or what they want, okay? They're winning, and we don't even know what the game is." Scott asked and Liam gestured to the jammer as he walked up to Scott. "What if they come in here and those things don't work? What if you have an asthma attack again? What are we gonna do?" Liam asked and Scott sighed softly, "I don't know."

"This plan sucks!" Liam yelled and Scott raised his eyebrows, "You got a better one? Kids are dying, and she's next! So, somebody has to do something. Somebody has to save everyone. So somebody's got to be the bait!" Scott said in frustration making Azalea sigh softly.

"Scott... Promise me you'll do everything you can to save her. Scott- promise." Liam said in a slight whisper and Scott nodded, "I'll do everything I can. I promise." He said. "Guys..." Hayden said making them look over at her as she dug around her bag, "I think I might need a little help right now. I forgot my pills. I have a bottle in my locker. I can get them, but-" She said but Scott cut her off. "I'll get them. What's your combination?" Scott asked.

A few seconds later Scott, Lydia and Azalea walked out to the hall, "Hurry. We'll keep watch. Be careful. " Azalea said and Scott nodded before kissing her cheek and walking down the hall. Lydia and Azalea stood out in the hall for a few minutes before hearing something down the hall. "What was that?" Lydia asked as Azalea walked ahead slightly, "Scott?" She called out but got no response.

"Stay here." Azalea said making Lydia's eyes widen, "What?" Lydia hissed as she grabbed Azalea arm making Azalea stop. "What of it's the Dread Doctor's?" Lydia asked and Florence nodded, "That's what I wanna figure out. If you see something, scream." Azalea said and Lydia sighed before nodding and letting her go.

"Scott?" Azalea called out again but all she got in response was the sound of footsteps making her follow the sound until she turned another corner. She froze for a second when she saw Ivona standing there making her roll her eyes. "What the hell do you want now?" Azalea asked but Ivona was didn't answer as she started mumbling something in Romanian.

All of the sudden Azalea felt her throat tightening making her eyes widen before she started coughing. Her coughs soon became coughing up blood as she slowly lowered to the ground. She continued to cough up blood as a pretty large puddle of blood was forming around her. Which wasn't actually there, neither was Ivona as the Dread Doctors walked past her.

A few minutes later Mason ran into the school and saw Azalea making him run over to her. "Azalea!" He yelled as he grabbed her shoulders making her gasp lightly as he brother her out of ber trance. "Are you okay?" He asked and she nodded as he helped her up, "I- I need to find Scott." She said.

They looked around for a moment before finding Scott in the biology class making them run in. Scott looked like he was choking making Azalea glance around before finding a scaple. She ran over to him and dragged the scaple down his hand making him scream out in pain as his trance broke.

"Sorry! Sorry! That was the first thing I thought off!" Azalea said as she grabbed his arm and he glanced around alarmed for a moment. "What happened?" He asked before noticing Mason, "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I found another Chimera. His name's Corey." Mason said making Azalea's eyes widen, "Wait..." She trailed off as she looked at Scott who seemed to realize the same thing.

"Where's Liam and Hayden?"

Minutes later Scott, Azalea and Mason suddenly ran into the locker room where Malia and Lydia stood. "They're gone... Hayden and Liam are gone."

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➢ ɪꜱᴀᴀᴄ ʟᴀʜᴇʏ / ꜱᴄᴏᴛᴛ ᴍᴄᴄᴀʟʟ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें