Miu angst (Vent)

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TW and CW: parent problems, homophobia, suicidal thoughts, cutting

Kokichi in this is actually representing two people in my life,

A friend (also kinda crush) named Kisa

And another, Jamie JamieAston4

Miu's POV.

I listened to my mom yell at me for the fifth time today. It was about something I couldn't even remember. Probably about the fact that I'm pan (irl I'm a lesbian). I didn't really care though. I was tired, exhausted. I wanted this to end so I could sleep even though I knew well I wouldn't until later tonight. I should get on a call with Kokichi after this. He ways cheers me up. Always laughing and joking.

As soon as she finished I ran to my room and got on my phone calling him. He almost immediately answer.

"Hey!" He exclaimed. My frown immediately turned into a smile, "Hey! How's life?"


"That's good."

We began talking about random things, characters we've made, things we're going to give each other, etc. I started playing with the rubber band on my hand. It kept me from cutting myself, but I know it won't last too long.

Kokichi's actually one of few guys that I trust. I actually had a crush on him. After a lot of things that felt with other men I grew a small fear of them. Sure I can still befriend them but I don't like getting close to them. Especially if they're adults.

We continue talking for about 2 hours until he had to go and do other things. I sighed when I turned off my phone. I rummaged through my drawer for a moment. It was filled with pieces of paper and a few other things, then I found it. The knife I cut with.

I cleaned it a bit so I didn't get infected with germs and I began slicing one cut across the inner part of my wrist. It felt nice. I liked the pain but I hate when how much it stings afterwards.

I cleaned the knife again and put it back in the drawer. Even though it felt like my mom hated my guts sometimes, I could tell she loved me. I knew I was a planned birth, but I couldn't help but think I was a mistake to her. To my dad. To my grandma. To everyone I knew. I hated it. I hated myself. I hated everyone but Kokichi. I hated everything.

I put on a hoodie despite it being hot as hell in the house and walked out of my room to the kitchen. I grabbed a mountain dew I had and walked back to my room.  I turned on my TV and began watching game plays of things I'll never get to play for myself since we don't have a game console or anything anymore. I clicked on the Doki Doki Literature Club one and began watching where I left off. After about an hour I gave up on the game and turned the TV off. I turned my lights off too and laid down on the floor.

That was my favorite time. When I laid on the floor. I could get thoughts and everything thought through. I didn't have to worry about anything else. I didn't need to care about anything else. And most importantly, that was the only time I felt like I could cry. So that's what I did. I cried. I cried, and cried, and cried.

I took a deep breath and tried to clam myself. I grabbed the mountain dew and chugged what was left of it then threw the bottle in the trash. It was a surprise my room was still clean despite how lazy I was. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. "Fuck I need sleep." I said to myself. It was almost 10pm and I have places to go. Not necessarily school, it was summer. But my mom likes to drag me places even though I always say I'm low on energy. She doesn't care, what did I expect. I probably have to go shopping tomorrow if I'm unlucky. Yay. Grocery shopping. The thing I hate the most.

I grabbed a sketch pad and began drawing. I didn't care that I needed sleep. I was too tired to even get any. Besides I just drank mountain dew. That shit will kick in any minute.  My whole life is controlled by my parents. I can't even have 5 minutes to myself usually unless my mom is at work. I need to study. I don't have to but Korekiyo showed me some things about Anthropology and I actually enjoy it. That's surprising. The dude has a way to persuade you to do anything.

I finished the drawing I made and sat the sketchpad down. I laid on my bed and tried to fall asleep. This is going to be a long night..

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