Parents Day (Kinda angsty)

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TW: abuse, abuse mentioned, manipulation, fractured bones, slurs.


Kokichi's POV.

I woke up to Monokuma on the speaker.

"Wakey wakey brats! I've decided that today your parents are coming. No, I won't kill 'em they're just visiting! " My eyes widened. I thought I was safe from them... Guess not. I hear Monokuma's voice again.

"Also Kokichi get in my office!" I sigh, I get out of bed and put on my normal suit. I open my door and walk out of my room, making my way to the black and white bear's office. I knock on the door and it opened.

"Hey brat, get in here" he said, pulling me into his office.

"Y-yeah?" I stuttered walking in. He closed the door.

"I know what your parents were like. I always love some good despair but abuse is too far even for me" I smiled, " What are we going to do about it though? " I asked. He laughed, " you'll have Miu by your side" Damn, the cum dumpster? I nod and walk out.

I walk into the cafeteria to see a bunch of parents. Everyone was hugging them. I spot my parents, who's coming closer to me. I start to panic, moving closer to the wall which made my "mother" smile.

"Ah, hello mistake" my "father" said. I smiled "H-hello-" I said, getting cut off my him grabbing my cheeks with his hand.

" You do remember we only did this to you because we love you right?" My eyes widened. No they're lying don't fall for it again! The voice in the back of my head yelled. I shook my head. I looked behind them and see Miu walking towards us.

"Hey baby!" She said.

"Oh so you're not a faggot" My father said, letting me go and throwing me on the ground, catching some attention from other parents and my classmates.

(I'm gay don't worry, I wouldn't use that word if I wasn't)

"U-um I'm bisexual" I stuttered. My dad jammed his foot into my back making me cry out in pain there was a crack, the scene earned attention from everyone in the room now.

Miu grabbed his shoulder and pulled him off me. My mother ran at her, holding her sharp, red pained nails in a claw style way. She went to stab her with them but I stepped in front of her ignoring the pain in my most likely fractured back. I could fell her nails jabbing into my chest. My mother, realizing what she did, smiled.

She forced her nails in deeper making me scream out in pain. Miu kicked her off of me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"What the hell is wrong with your girlfriend?!" My mother yelled.

" I'm trying to protect him dipshit!" She yelled. My dad got up and opened his arms.

" Ouma, you know we're only doing this because we love you. Now come to me and your mother. You've been bad so now we'll have to punish you" I flinched holding onto Miu's shirt tighter.

" I'm not gonna fall for that again!" I cried. My dad seemed angered my that. He walked closer to me making me shake. He pushed Miu away from me, pushing her to the other side of the room. She crashed into a table.

He raised a hand up and just before he could do anything to me, Monokuma stepped in the way.

"Now, I don't want the poor brat getting killed by their own dad" He said pulling a knife out from behind his back. He grabbed both my mother and father and brought them into a back room.

A few minutes had passed, I could hear screams from the room. I couldn't stand anymore. Miu was now at my side putting a back brace on me which Shuichi's mother had given her. In walked Monokuma in a bloodied state.

"So... I may or may not have killed them" he said. My eyes widened and I smiled.

" Thank you! Me and my siblings had been going through that stuff for years! Of course my siblings are older now so they got to escape faster heh" I said weakly rapping my arms around Monokuma's body.

"Hey kid-" he said cutting himself off. He hugged back. I leaned against the wall. Miu gently picked me up and brought me into the nurses room.

As I lay on the uncomfortable bed, Miu holding my hand my eyes start getting heavy. I end up falling asleep.

I wake up the next day, the pain gone. Huh? I though to myself. I feel a presence next to me. It was Miu sleeping beside me. I smile and shake her shoulder.

"Hey, Miu, wake up" I say. Her eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning" she says moving my hair out of my eyes, "Monokuma used his magic or whatever to heal you" I slowly nod and start getting up. Miu pulls me back down.

" Nope, you owe me this!" She says, I laugh. We end up staying like that until 10:00pm.

840 words. This sucked ಥ‿ಥ it's fine doe.

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