Am I pretty? (Miu angst)

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TW: Insecure thoughts
Self harming thoughts
Nudity (but not smut)
Mentions of Anorexia
Hair pulling and not in a kinky way

Miu was always insecure about how she looked, she was also worried that Kokichi didn't actually like her and was just using her.

She was crying at the moment as she looked at her body features in the mirror "Why do I look like this..?" She asks herself for the eighth time. She wiped her tears away as she continued to look at her bare body. She sighed, "I doubt he actually loves me..." She says under her breath.

She felt arms rap around her shoulders. She turned around and there was Kokichi, he had one of his checkered hoodies and put it over her body "Here" Kokichi said in a calm manner "Also, yes, I do love you and I always will." Miu cried harder at his words, she knew he was telling the truth with the sincere look in his eyes.

Kokichi had walked over to one of Miu's drawers and grabbed some shorts "put the these on, I won't look" he said as he turned around. Miu put the shorts on and then hugged Kokichi "Am I pretty?" She asks. Kokichi smiled "You're not just pretty, you're gorgeous!" Miu smiled " Thanks".

Kokichi grabbed Miu's hand and brought her to sit at the table with everyone else "So" Kaito said "how's the little slut?" Miu looked down while Kokichi had anger that started to build inside him.

"I mean he is right" Maki said. Miu looked at Kokichi who signaled her to lay her head on his shoulder, which she did. Kokichi rolled his eyes "She's not a slut, infact, I don't recall her sleeping with anyone." He said as he started to play with Miu's hair.

Kaito got up and grabbed Miu by the hair making her scream and try to get away "We could probably change that!" He said laughing. Kokichi got up and immediately pounced on him, making him let go of Miu. She backed up to the wall and was trying her hardest not to cry, she loved making horny jokes but she hated when she was taken advantage of without her consent, that's one of the only things she's scared about.

Kokichi ended up knocking Kaito out while the others just stared at the scene. Miu was teary but ran and jumped onto Kokichi who had a few cuts and bruises. Miu was holding onto his shirt as if it her life depended on it. Kokichi hugged her and brought her back to her room. He then grabbed some food for her.

When she got in Miu's room her head was down and her eyes were slightly red. Kokichi sat the food on her desk and got on the bed with her "Hey, are you doing any better?" He asked, she nodded "Kaito scares me..." She said and she brought her knees to her chest.
Kokichi had a sad expression on his face, he knew he couldn't trust Kaito but he wanted to give him a chance which of course failed.

Kokichi rapped his arms around Miu and hugged her for a while. Before Miu could fall asleep Kokichi got up and gave her the food "Here!" He said smiling which made Miu smile back. She grabbed the fork and started eating. She then looked at Kokichi and said "Aren't you going to eat?" Kokichi shook his head. Miu huffed and basically shoved a fork full of food into his mouth. Kokichi gagged for a second but tried to chew and swallow the best he could.

"It's been days since you last ate, you need to stop that habit. You're no longer around your parents, they can't hurt you" Miu said as she got another spoon full of food and put it into his mouth. Kokichi nodded slowly.

They shared the food together then laid beside each other. Kokichi pulled out his phone which Monokuma let him have back and played "Baby Hotline by Jackstauber" (it's at the top of you wanna listen to it) They ended up falling asleep listening to the song, Miu on Kokichi's chest.

I just knew I have to write something for this so here was my first thought. 713 words

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