Mistakes (angst)

930 21 8

TW: Knife game song but it's from tiktok, self-harm

Inspiration: avocado.eggs.toast on tiktok

Miu's POV.

I did my usual weekly check up on Kiibo. Looking for anything that needed to be fixed. Suddenly Shuichi busted through the door.

"Damn Sherlock, what do you want? I'm bus-" he interrupted me, "Kokichi's doing it again and he won't stop!" He exclaimed. My eyes widened.

"What does he mean?" Kiibo asked, I closed his chest and he got off the counter.

"The knife game!" I said quickly before running out, Kiibo and Shuichi following behind.

I got to the cafeteria to see the others in the back, Maki trying to keep them away. Kaito and Korekiyo were trying to calm him down and get him to stop as he lifted the knife up and down between his fingers.

"I have all my fingers, the knife goes chop chop chop and if you'd learn to hold your tongue I just might learn to stop" Kokichi started, he was going at a rapid speed. I ran towards him and tried to take the knife when I was held back by Maki.

"Leave him, you might get hurt." She says, "But he'll hurt HIMSELF! " I shout. I turn back to Kokichi.

" I have all my fingers but scars are deep and true, if you keep this act I know this fact I'll stick my knife in you" He jammed the knife into the middle of his hand as he said 'stick' letting out a pained scream.

" Kokichi stop!" I shout, trying to get Maki to let me go. He continued.

"I have all my fingers, the blood goes drip drip drop. You never do as you are told and so *stab* I *stab* never *stab" stopped! *Stab*"

Maki let me go and I ran toward the purplenette. He was crying and sobbing while his hand bled. I grabbed his head and pushed it into my neck crook. There were muffled screams. I pet his head and tried to shush him.

"Kiibo, get some bandages, a bucket of water and rubbing alcohol" I said, he nodded and went to fetch those things.

I held Kokichi's unwounded hand and kissed his forehead, "What happened?" I asked, "I-I accide-entally t-told them s-something about m-my past... " He said, I gave him a sympathetic look.

" You do this every time you say something like that. I might have to watch you twenty-four seven. " I said, he looked at me wide eyed, " No, no! It's okay! I'm okay!" He exclaimed, obviously lying. I frowned and put him back on my chest.

Soon Kiibo came back and handed me the supplies he got. I thanked him and grabbed a rag, wetting it, and dabbed Kokichi's hand with it. He hissed in pain. I finished washing it off and grabbed some rubbing alcohol so it didn't get infected.

"I still think he's dangerous to us." Kaede said, I turned to face her and glared.

"Shut up kayaydead" I spat, she quieted down. I turned my focus back to my boyfriend.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled, "Don't apologize, this is what your mom taught you to do." I said he nodded. I grabbed the bandages and wrapped them around his hand.

"Thanks" He said, I nodded and held his hand, bringing him to my lab, "Kiibo let's go finish you up okay, Kokichi, you can sleep in there for now." Kiibo nodded and followed behind us.

I really like making sad things huh?

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