"Good thing. " She smiled.

When we reached to the party everyone is almost there. Now I realise how much time I took to get ready. After meeting Ammi, Abba after a long time. Ayaan is more like Abba.

"So Neha, I heard that you joined for MBA. " She exclaimed.

"Didn't I told you about that? May be I forgot. " I smiled.

"Study hard and don't waste his money. " She smiled slightly but I find it weird. I look at Ayaan who is coming to us.

"Hello Ammi. Talking with daughter in law. " He hugged her.

"Do you remember the last day you visited our home? Even Fahad is too here. Your elder brother still in Delhi. after joining her classes, when will you visit us? " She said with disappointment.

"Will you stop complaining if I come tomorrow or maybe day after tomorrow? "

After talking for a long. I understand one thing, she is missing her children. Fahad is living with us after hearing the torture for preparing government exams. He wants to build a company and want to be his own boss. But who listen?

I agreed to both of our parents to visit them soon. My Mom is so happy after seeing me and Ayaan. Fahad is never missing a chance to stare at Naina. I think I have to talk to him and Naina soon. If she loves that Zain then I have to warn Fahad about the same.


After almost everyone from his office left, I ran to our room. Even though our families there, that won't be a problem.

"Can you come to the garden area? "

I messaged him and he replied immediately,


Wearing a beautiful smile on my face, I took the flower that I asked Divya to buy for me.

There is no such rule that only boy should confess first. Girls too have to take the first step. Since Ayaan is shy scary cat, he won't open his thoughts. But this brave Neha have to take the first step at least. I am feeling smiling, smiling and smiling again.

Never in my life, I thought that I will propose someone and that someone is none other than my scary cat. Will anyone propose their own husband? I found myself giggling.

Before leaving I once again looked at the mirror, my lipstick is faded. Everything is messed up. How will I propose him with this look.

After doing my eye makeup and lipstick, I looked at myself, perfect. Ayaan will pass out after seeing me. But how will he react after my confession. Oh! I can't think about that.

With increasing heartbeat I walked to the garden. Each passing second is doing wonders to me. My fingers are turning cold reminding me of my nervousness.

Holding that flower tightly I walked to there taking baby steps. Ayaan is there looking at sky. Is he counting stars?

Founding him again I am smiling, smiling and smiling. If anyone motive me , they will think that I am an idiot.

"Yeah Khadeeja. That's what I am saying? " Suddenly I found someone talking to phone by placing her back to me, that's Ammi, Ayaan's mom. Ayaan may not heard her. He is standing far from us but if he turn, he can see us.

"Exactly, it has been so long since those two visited our home. That girl is not allowing my son to visit me at least. My Ayaan is trapped, what else I can say? " I am shocked to hear that. Is she telling about us? That warm mother in law is talking bad in my back. I can't believe that Ammi is like these.

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