The Love Potion - Kevin's Tale

Start from the beginning

“SHUT UP.” Kevin yelled, how dare she talk about Christina like that, “You don’t know what you’re talking about, Christina is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, any man would kill just to be with her” He was so angry at Susan that he felt if he didn’t get out of this house quickly he would snap her neck into two.

Kevin grabbed his keys and stormed out, how dare she insult Christina, anyone who was not blind could tell how beautiful she was, Christina was more woman than Susan a gazillion times.

“So what are you doing with Susan if Christina is so beautiful?” His conscience asked him.

Frankly he didn’t know why he had walked away from Christina, yeah when he had been under the love potion he strongly suspected the feelings that he felt for Christina had been fake, but what was his excuse now.

He would wake up sometimes in the middle of the night praying to see blue eyes staring at him, but all he got was Susan’s dark eyes and red hair, he would then turn away with disgust. Sometimes when he thought about Christina he went hard in certain places but when Susan touched him; he felt cold but all he had to hear was Christina’s name and his body was on fire and then he would start wishing she was close to him so he could devour her.

So why the hell was he staying with Susan when his body, soul and heart yearned desperately to be with Christina.

“Stop thinking and make a move you fool” His conscience screamed at him.

Suddenly it was like a light bulb went on in his head, he knew what to do, a grin spread wide across his face, he couldn’t believe he had been such a big fool, he just prayed it wasn’t too late.

He turned his car around headed back home, before he went to see Christina, he would have to talk to Susan, it wouldn’t be right to talk to Christina until he had tied up all the loose ends.

He found Susan sitting in the kitchen smoking and drinking, he hated it when Susan smoked but before he met Christina he had been okay with, but now it was one of the many things that irritated him.

“Susan we need to talk.” He announced.

She didn’t look at him she just continued to smoke, “Talk then.” She said coldly.

“We have to break up.” He said slowly, he wanted to be gentle so he didn’t cause her more pain than necessary.

She didn’t gasp or stare at him with horror or go down on her knees and start begging for him not to leave her; she just sat there unmoving and continued to smoke.

“Let me guess you’re going back to your precious Christina.” She said Christina name as if it was something disgusting.

“Yes.” Kevin replied, he wasn’t sure what was happening shouldn’t she be screaming, kicking or crying?

“Fine………. 2 million.” She said this time looking at him.

“2 million?” He looked at her confused.

“You don’t think I’m gonna go quietly or that easily do you?” She looked at Kevin with hatred.

“What.” Kevin asked still confused.

“Ok brain dead boy let me say it in plain words since you seem too dumb to understand me, what I’m saying is I’m carrying your child and if you want me to get rid of me and this bastard that I’m carrying then you better give me two million dollars and I’ll leave quietly.” She said her words getting colder with each utterance.

“You’re not pregnant; I haven’t touched you in a long time.” Kevin accused her, he couldn’t believe Susan, he knew she was ambitious but he didn’t think it would be to this extent.

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