The New Villian in Town!!/ A Gift from D!!

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Deep in the Elven forests was Filled with A Whole lot of Rare Creatures, Wooden Dragon's, Dryad's, Rivers, Bamboo forest's, and even All sorts of Rare Monsters, There was the High elven Tribe's Capital of Corshes which Lied in the pair of the world's oldest tree in the middle of it which was then Surrounded by Massive 300 Ft walls, and Homes for Miles!

The Tree's of Corshes that Lies in the middle of the city is estimated by many scholars to be over 50,000 years old, and its insides acted as A Castle and A Massive Library carrying all of the knowledge ever known since civilization has taken its first steps! It is Truly A Old-world version of The Library of Alexandria!

Deep inside the Right Trunk of the trees of corsho's The King of the High Elves who was Named Potima's who was probably the Most Narcissistic and Control Freak-ish Elven King that ever Lived! He was also Known to Dabble in Black Magic and Biologic...

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Deep inside the Right Trunk of the trees of corsho's The King of the High Elves who was Named Potima's who was probably the Most Narcissistic and Control Freak-ish Elven King that ever Lived! He was also Known to Dabble in Black Magic and Biological Magic Experitimation as you even used it to extend his Life for An incredible length of time!

Over the course of his rule, he had become extremely disliked by the People as they saw for who he is but they could never speak out loud of this, or else the Guards would execute them for Speaking out against the King!

Potimas right now was scolding the Heroes Party for getting killed so easily and now was demanding answers!

Potimas right now was scolding the Heroes Party for getting killed so easily and now was demanding answers!

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Potimas: "Okay, Do you chuckleheads mind telling me WHY THE FUCK Did you get killed so easily?"

Filimos: "Well Father you see if you were watching over us as you should then you would know-"


"Don't you see I am the King here? No one here will give me orders except me! Now tell me... What was it?"

Hugo: "If you Must know then it was A Re- GAH!!"

Sue had Just kicked him right between the legs to shut him up!

Potimas: "A What!? What was that!? Was it A Reincarnation!?"

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