Battle Against the Barroth!!/ A Unique Team Up!!

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They were all now in the Carriage and started traveling through the Land coming through A Couple of Kingdoms that each Lord would control with different Laws and Ruling as there were forests, Plains, Swamps, Deserts, and even Scrubland! The whole time Megimin would not shut up about asking if their There yet and it was getting really annoying!

Megumin: "Are we there yet?"

Everyone: "No."

Megumin: "Are we there yet?"

Everyone: "No!"

Megumin: "Are we there yet?"

Everyone: "No!!"

Megumin: "Are we there yet?"

Everyone: "No!!!"

Megumin: "Are we there yet?"

Everyone: "NO!!!"

Megumin: "Are we there Yet?"

Y/n: "YES!"

Megumin: "Really!?"

Y/n: "Yes, We're Here! We're in Barroth Scrubland Territory! The Place We're supposed to be! FINALLY!"

The five of you got off the Carriage and walked through the hot and dry area searching for the Mudhole that the Barroth and my shaft are at!

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The five of you got off the Carriage and walked through the hot and dry area searching for the Mudhole that the Barroth and my shaft are at!

Aqua: "Oh my God, It's So Hot, and it's burning my Feet, and There are rocks in my shoes, and this is Just absolutely Terrible! I HATE THIS SO MUCH!"

Kumoko then webbed her mouth up shut and Megumin responds!

Megumin: "Thank you, Kumoko."

The Five of you continued on your Journey trekking through the Hot and Expansive Desert as you searched for this Mudhole and ever several Hours of Walking with Plenty of Panraromic shots, and even Epic Music you finally ended up at the Spot where there were the Remnants of A Lake which was now An empty Mud pit with Reeds, Birds, and Rocks that Littered the landscape!

Y/n: "Well We're here. The Barroth should be here."

Aqua: "Ick, Look at all of the Mud! I not stepping all over it! And there is no way you can- KYYAH!"

Kumoko then Pushed Aqua in the mud and she got up yelling!


Kumuko: "No, I didn't she Tripped."

Aqua: "LIAR!"

Y/n: "Will you two Plus shut up the Barroth Might hear-"


Y/n: "That might be it."

You all got up and Prepared your Magic and Weapons as A Stomping sound filled the air and it continued to get Louder and Louder until A Massive 30ft Mud covered monster Appeared and it was not Happy to Receive Guests!

A World with No More Pain!! (Male Reader X Anime MMORPG Harem)Where stories live. Discover now