The Greatest Sniper that ever Lived!!/ The Gun Wizard!!

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After Recruiting Nina into your Group and bringing her back to Rivertown to introduce her to everyone at the Guild in which everyone seems to like her and they accepted her into the Guild rather quickly! So now you were Looking at the Request Board for any Jobs to be done and there wasn't much so you were Discussing it with Your Guild Mates!

Y/n: "How about we Hunt down some Boars for A Pelt collector?"

Everyone: "No."

Y/n: "How about we Fight some Orcs down by the borders of the Badlands?"

Everyone: "No!"

Y/n: "How about we act as A Escort to A Group of Khajiit Traders across some Treacherous Terrian?"

Everyone: "NO!"

Kumoko: "Okay, you got Anything Actually Good Y/n? it's been so Long since our Last adventure My Clothes are getting out of style!"

Maple: "But You're Not Wearing any-"

Kumoko: "Don't, Don't correct me Please!"

Y/n: "Hmm, Let me see Aaaaaand Aha! I got us A Good Job! We can Hunt down A Deviljho! Really? That Big Pickle Boi! This will Be Easy! On the other hand, we are gonna need some really heavy Hitters so... I'll Go along with Kumoko, Darkness, Megumin, Maple, and Nia!"

Kumoko/Darkness/Megumin/Maple/Nia: "Of Course!"

Aqua: "Y/n are you sure this is A Good Idea?"

Y/n: "I bet this A Great Idea!"

3 hours later!


You were Hiding Behind A Rock Drinking A Bunch of HP and MP Potions to restore them as everyone was trying to Protect you by battling the Deviljho who was this Giant, Green, Fat, Dinosaur-Like, Wyvern who was Firing A Black Gas out of its Mouth known as Effluvium which is A Powerful Toxic Material that can Cause A Really bad time!

You were Hiding Behind A Rock Drinking A Bunch of HP and MP Potions to restore them as everyone was trying to Protect you by battling the Deviljho who was this Giant, Green, Fat, Dinosaur-Like, Wyvern who was Firing A Black Gas out of its Mouth kn...

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Kumoko: "Web Trap!!"

Megumin: "Explosion!!"

Maple: "Hydra: Acid Rain!!"

Nia: "White Bullets!!"


It swung its Tail around Violently as it fired more of the Thick and Noxious toxic Gas out of its mouth that everyone Tried to avoid breathing in! Darkness Threw her Hammer at the side of its head but it only flinches and Turns to her Snarling as it then Raises her head to try and Smash her with its Spiky Lower Jaw when Several Lightning Blasts hit in its left eye Blinding it!


Kumoko: "What the? What was that?"

Just then A Grappling Hook was fired across the room into A Nearby wall as Then A Girl was flying through riding on the Zipline Firing A Makeshift Mana-Gun at the Beast Like some kind of Major Badass!

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