Chris the Thief!!/ The Guild Logo!!

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The Whole Gang was hanging out at the Tavern again as they were deciding on what Logo they should use on their Guild sign since this Place is now their Guild's base of Operations and everyone was spitballing ideas which are either coherent or make no sense whatsoever and you were just sitting there listening to their Ideas!

Megumin: "Oh! Oh! What about an explosion!?"

Kumoko: "No, That's Lame. This is the Arachne Guild. It has to be Spider-related."

Aqua: "Maybe A Drop of Poison?"

Asuna: "A Fang?"

Megumin: "An Explosion?"

Yui: "An Arachne?"

Megumin: "An Explosion?"

Darkness: "A-A whip!? Ooooh... A Whip..."

Megumin: "An Explosion!"

Y/n: "Why do you keep suggesting an explosion?"

Megumin: "I Just Love an explosion as our Logo..."

Y/n: "Look Me and Maple are gonna get Materials and you will all think about it until we get back! Okay? Did you get me? Let's go, Maple!"

Maple: "Okey-Dokey!"

You both then got up and Left the Tavern to go downtown to A Nearby shop to get some supplies for their Logo to hang out the shop, and the two of you were talking when you got to Maples Stats!

Y/n: "So... Why is your Defense so damn high? Because it's the highest I've ever seen!"

Maple: "Oh I didn't want to get hurt! So I maxed out my entire Defense Stat just so I can never get Hurt! I even got A Cool set of Armor, A Shield, and even Syrup because of it! It was Great!"

Y/n: 'Geez that would explain A Lot...' "So You're telling me You're A Reincarnation?"

Maple: "What's that?"

You then Facepalm as you explained!

Y/n: "It means you were on earth but you died and were reincarnated here Like I am."

Maple: "Oh Yeah! I remember all about my past life. I was A Student at Hokage academy until I died and I woke up in this world as A Baby! It was amazing!"

Y/n: 'WAIT!? Hokage academy!! That was My school! I wonder who she used to be? Maybe I can remember her. And... Wait. Can Aqua, Darkness, and Megumin be Reincarnations as well Since they have Inventory's and can do all sorts of stuff A Player can? and If Maple says she's been here since birth with all of her past life's memories in Tact does that actually mean that this world is Old or Possible far Older than I possibly realized!? So Many Questions...'

Maple: "My Original Name was Kaede but I go by Maple now since that's my new name."

Y/n: 'THAT'S WHERE I REMEMBER HER! Kaede Honjou! She was one of the most popular girls in school! Yes, she was dim but High school students never cared much for any actual wit! Stupid Highschool. Eh, At least she was friendly to me. No problems here.'

The both of you continued walking until Some Girl ran past you two and Stole Maple's Shield!

Maple: "Hey, Someone Just stole my Shield!!"

Y/n: "Hey, Get back here!!"

The Theif continued to run, and You got Maple to Grab your Hand, and you extended your wings revealing them and you both flew after the thief and you soon caught up with her, pulling her to the ground as you both landed!

Y/n: "Just who the Hell are you to steal Maple's shield You Dumbass!?"

???: "An Angel? Well, you Must be Y/n L/n."

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