The Great Spider Battle!!/ Angel Power!!

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As the Queen Taratect and the Other Spider's continued to attack, you, Kumoko, and Yui all hid inside A Small cave system for safety as the Arch Taratect's were very close to digging their way in but little did they know that A 8 eyed, Spindly limbed, 6 armed figure was watching them from Afar and was about to strike!

You were sharpening your Blade as Kumoko was setting up some Traps, and Yui was charging up A Lightning spell to all Prepare for the Arch Taratect's to burst in and step in it!

Y/n: "Okay, this should deal with them, We got everything ready only our ends?"

Kumoko: "Right!"

Yui: "Yep!"

Just then Something zipped past you and you took notice!

Y/n: "Anyone Just felt that?"

Kumoko: "Feel what?"

Y/n: "I Just felt like something Just-"

Just then Something had Just put all of the torches out!

Kumoko: "What the-!?"

Y/n: "See! Something's wrong!"

Yui: "This isn't regular Darkness... This is... Advanced Darkness...!"

Just then Something charged at you, and slashed at you getting your shoulder, but you Blocked the rest of it's attacks!

Y/n: "Fire Blast!!"

You then fired A Ball of Blue fire at the Opponent and it lit up the room revealing what Looked like A Porcelain Golem, With Eight eyes, with six Spindly arms tipped with sharp Blades! Almost Like A Spider!

You then fired A Ball of Blue fire at the Opponent and it lit up the room revealing what Looked like A Porcelain Golem, With Eight eyes, with six Spindly arms tipped with sharp Blades! Almost Like A Spider!

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Y/n: "What is that!?"

Kumoko: "I think that's Mom's secret weapon!"

Yui: "Y/n! I'm Scared!"

Just then the Arch Taratect's busted their way in and began charging at them as Y/n took A Deep sigh!

Y/n: "You Guys deal with the spiders. I'll deal with this Puppet."

Kyouka: "But Y/n-!"

Y/n: "Go NOW!"

They both went off to face the Giant spiders as you dealt with the creepy Puppet!

Y/n: "So, You're the Insidious Creation of the Mother Taratect correct?"

It doesn't respond but instead charged at you with all six Blades in its arms!

Y/n: "I hope this works with any other Golem. DISGUSTING FREAK!!!"

It Jumped in the air to stab you before you said it and when you said it its chest blew up as it fell to the ground, and you Jumped into the air and Unleashed A Powerful spell on it!

Y/n: "White Bullets!!"

You then began to releases Hundreds of Magical blasts on it wasting all of your MP On trying to kill it but you realized it was so Fast it completely dodged your attack!

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