Kumoko's Mother!?/ The Drums of War!!

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So after you went into the Spider infested Shrine you were given instructions to figure out what's wrong with the spider population and As soon as you left the Village Kumoko explained her own working theory that this is her Mother, one of the 5 great Queen Taratects and she was at the end of explaining it when you were all Freaking out!

Kumoko: "So That's what I think. We're gonna need to take down my Mother once and for all if it means the safety of the entire kingdom not to mention Rivertown!"


Megumin: "My Explosions may kill A Few hundred Spiders but not A Queen Taratect!"

Darkness: "Oh The Pain! It makes me so-!"

Aqua: "Don't you dare finish that sentence!"

Y/n: "Welp, I think we can take her on."

Everyone: "Huh!?"

Y/n: "Guys! If we're ever gonna face against Ariel we're gonna have to work our way up and we're gonna do so by Battling these Taratect freaks! We're gonna show them why you don't mess with The Arachne Guild and for damn good reason! Now whose with me?"

Kumoko: "I'm In! I'm taking that Bitch down once and for all!"

Megumin/Darkness/Aqua: "Right!"

Just then Maple and Syrup had Just arrived from their scouting mission and they seem scared!

Y/n: "You got anything?"

Maple: "W-We see A Massive 500 ft Tall Spider, and An army of Smaller spiders heading right this way!"

Kumoko: "Damn it! She's coming right this way! She can probably detect me!"

Y/n: "Right! Already everyone here! I got some Drugged meat, Pitfall Traps, Flash Grandes, I Stacked up! We're taking down as many of the little buggers as Possible! We're not gonna win today but we're gonna do as Much damage as Possible and make sure the Queen can't recover!"

Everyone: "Right!"

Thousands and Thousands of Spiders ran through the Area as they were being Led from behind by Kumoko's Mother the Queen Taratect (that we'll Just call Mother)!

 They were walking through the Forest until some of Giant Spiders smelled some of the Durgged meat and they began eating it and after getting through several Bites they fell Asleep, other's ate Poisoned meat and they died, and that's when Disrupti...

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 They were walking through the Forest until some of Giant Spiders smelled some of the Durgged meat and they began eating it and after getting through several Bites they fell Asleep, other's ate Poisoned meat and they died, and that's when Disruption hits the Group and they all Began Splintering off the group and Ran around falling into pit traps and smoke Traps, and even Thunder Traps as People then Came out of the forest clearing!

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