Opening #1

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Narrator: In the world of Mid-World there are many Good, and Holy People who try and stop the evil Demon King and defeat him once and for all Yet to no Avail. That was when A Young Boy named Y/n L/n and shows and forms the Guild to put A Stop to this senseless slaughter. This is the story of Y/n and the Arachne Guild!

We zoom into the Town of Rivertown as meet some of the Characters with some Black and white Roman Italic Title Cards and they each do their own thing while it shifts Between them!


She is wiping down the Bar counter as she turns to the Audience and smiles waving them A Hello as her Name shows up next to her and with A Golden yellow Background!

Father O'Malley:

He is Praising the Gods as he cleaning the Statue of St.Mary with A Smile on his face with A White background as it then cuts to him Holding His gun the Punisher with A Black background as it then shows him with A Cut down the middle showing off both sides of him! His name then shows up Above him


Aqua is Cleaning up her Stable as she tried to get comfy and cannot do so, so she Throws A Tantrum! It then cuts to her At the church doing her duty and starts Purifying the Holy water to make it extra clean as she smiles! We then cut to her smiling and waving at the Audience as her name appears left to her with A Blue background!


Darkness was Sleeping as she blushed and Squirmed in Bed dreaming of being Beaten by Her Master (AKA You), and we then cut to her being Tied and Gag as she was Just salivating at the act of it Happening! We then cut to her smiling with An orange Background!


Megumin is Just creating tiny explosions and Smiling before she flops on her back due to losing all of her MP and we then cut to her shining her staff as she turns to the camera with A Red Background and her name to the bottom of her!


We have Kumoko Nibbling on some Chicken, as we then cut to her Lassoing Some Wild animals and Killing them to sell their Pelts, We then cut to her Weaving A Spider sweater out of her Webbing as she turned to the Reader waving while she has A White and Pink Polkadot background behind her and her name vertically to the right!


And then we Finally cut to you as You were Practicing Enchantment which literally blows up in your face, and you then you tried Blacksmithery which always Literally blows up in your face once again, and then we get to you standing there holding your scissor blade on your shoulder with A Smirk on your face while you have A White and Red striped background with your name Vertically left of you!

We then finally cut to all of you standing together all Posing as the Title Card appears above you and we then cut to Black!

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