A Crushing Defeat!!/ A New Goal!!

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Ariel Just stood there... Menacingly With her hands behind her back as you all Stood in front of her with your weapons in hand ready to fight her! You all had no idea how powerful she is but for all you know she can Kill you all with one strike!

Ariel: "Bring it."

You all Charged at her and began attacking her but she simply dodged and block every attack you all threw at her and she Jumped on A Ledge above you all as she smiled smugly at you!

Y/n: "D-Damnit she's so strong..."

Megumin: "I can't Move..."



Kumoko: "Look Ariel I don't know how strong you are but we're gonna destroy you!"


Just then Dozens of Portals Opened and An army of Spiders of all shapes and sizes came out and even A Few Hundred of them Looked like Massive, Much more spider-like Versions of Kumoko!

Just then Dozens of Portals Opened and An army of Spiders of all shapes and sizes came out and even A Few Hundred of them Looked like Massive, Much more spider-like Versions of Kumoko!

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Y/n: "Oh... Those are Taratects... So You're not an ordinary spider aren't you Kumoko...?"

Kumoko: "Nope. Sorry, I never told you."

Y/n: "It's Okay!"

You then Took Out A Few Strength potions and began drinking all of them at once as your muscles Grew and you held your sword out with Pride!

Y/n: "Guys we are gonna fight those Tactatects and we are not going down without A Fight! So Follow my Lead and we will all survive... Maybe except Aqua Though..."


Ariel: "Hahahahahahaha! You're all such Silly Fools! Tatatects. Kill them all!"

The Tatatects all came running as you and Kumoko came first up and unleashed the most powerful attacks you had been working on!

Y/n/Kumoko: "WIND SHIRUIKEN!!"

You both sent hundreds of Wind Strikes that slice and dice hundreds of the smaller ones as the bigger ones were Marching but that's when Darkness came over with her Hammer and swung it at one of the brown ones!


She swung her hammer in one of their sides causing it to burst open with Bug's guts as he crashed into Another one making its claws penetrate its eyes blinding it and killing it!

Aqua and Megumin then stepped on up to the Plate and Megumin released another explosion killing A Whole lot of them, and Aqua threw her to the ground in Fear!

A World with No More Pain!! (Male Reader X Anime MMORPG Harem)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt