Chapter 17 - Watched

Start from the beginning

"Impressive", a deep voice says. I lift my gaze to the door and see Sebastian, leaning against the doorway. He was dressed in a black suit, the tattoo that starts on his chest and slightly draws up to his neck exposed. 

"What do you want?", I ask annoyed as I wipe the sweat off my forehead, I must not have gotten all my anger out. 

"Aww did the princess not get all her frustrations out?", he teases mockingly. 

"I did, but your face alone makes me want to plummet into another person", I snap back, "I mean unless you want to volunteer, you know save another innocent person, I know that will bring great pleasure". 

He takes a few steps closer to me with a smirk placed on his face, "So what you're saying is that you want me to bring you pleasure". I slam my mouth shut and I feel my cheeks heat up. "Did lover boy from last night not satisfy you?", he says quietly while looking intently into my eyes. "O è solo il desiderio di ripetere quella laspe nel mio solito buon giudizio di tutte quelle sere fa?", he says with a smirk. (Or is just that want a repeat of that laspe in my usually good judgment from all those nights ago?)

I could have sworn that I heard some bitterness in his words. I copy his smirk and I reply, "Why, are you jealous?". This time it his own cheeks that heat up instead of my own. "Just to be clear, the only pleasure I wish to receive from you is watching the life drain from you eyes as I dig into your heart".

Lies and you know it. 

I turn around to grab my hoodie but I'm stopped by a strong grip on my wrist. I wince slightly, remembering the cut that I put there only a few hours ago, actually I don't know how long it ago it was since I put it there, because I can't see the time. He must have heard my pain because he loosened his grip slightly, but still held firmly onto me. Sebastian spins body around so that our chests are now touching and I have to look up, to meet his eyes. 

"You are so infuriating", he says, "Whenever I look at you all I want to do is put a bullet in between your eyes". 

I scoff, "Trust me the feeling is mutual". 

Before he can reply once more, the sound of screams and gun shots fill the room. I pull my hoodie over my head and grab my gun quickly. I turn to Sebastian and see that he too has his gun at the ready. I run out of the room and see blood covering the walls and floor. There are a few dead bodies lying over the ground too. To my surprise, I see no one alive. I look to Sebastian once more and his face carries the same confused expression, as I'm sure mine has. 

Suddenly a gun shot is fired again. I look over to the sound and see a group of 5 men dressed fully in black shooting. I fire at each of them and Sebastian does the same. As they fire back I feel a stinging pain in my stomach but I ignore it. Soon they are all lying dead on the floor. 

Ace runs up to me, blood covering his face, "Are you okay, boss?" 

"I'm fine Ace, call a clean up crew and figure out who did this?", I order

He nods before running away, phone in hand. 

I walk over to the attackers and look for any indication of who they are. I don't recognise their faces but I see a tattoo on the wrist of one of the men. I squat down and lift sleeve up and I can now fully see the dragon tattoo. 

"Fucking Alejandro", I mutter.

I get up from my squatting position and my vision blurs. I stumble a little bit but a pair of strong hands catches me at my waist, stabilising me. I wince a little at the contact and the pressure is suddenly gone. I look to Sebastian and his tan hand is now covered in blood. Where did that come from? Sebastian grabs the ends of hoodie and lifts it up slightly to reveal my bloodied stomach. I pull the hoodie down and walk out of the building quickly. 

I hear the thumps of his heavy steps behind me and I continue walking back to my hotel room. This isn't my first time being shot and it won't be my last, I can barely feel the wound, but I guess that is what happens when you live in this life. In a weirdly comfortable silence, Sebastian and I walk back to my room. 

I don't know why is he following me back to my room, it's not like he cares. We are enemies. We hate each other. He doesn't know the truth about who I am and he never will. We are destines to a life of hating each other. That is how it always will be. Right?

Sebastian's Point of View

We walk into her hotel room and she makes her way towards the bathroom. I don't know why I followed her back here. It's not like I care for Viola. I think I just wanted to make sure that she was okay. I look back down to my now crimson hand and that uneasy feeling comes back in my stomach. 

I walk through her hotel room and find her in the bathroom. The hoodie is sitting on the white tilled floor and there a few drops of blood there too. The water from the tap is running and I see the once white towel now stained red with blood. I look in the mirror and see Viola focused on her now visible tanned toned stomach. She weaves the needle through her skin expertly, when the needle punctures her skin the lets out a slight breath of relief, it seems like. 

She finishes the stitches and lifts her head up and her green eyes meet my blue. I let my eyes travel over her body during this moment of silence. There are so many scars, ones that looked to be a result of torture. Anger swirls in me at the sight of them. I could be the only one to hurt her. I spot the tattoo above her hip that says her known name and on her lower back just above the waistband of her shorts are words, it says something in a different language, I think it's Spanish. 

"What does it say?', I ask as I take step forward and trace the writing on her lower back. She slightly flinches to my touch. 

"Un día te haré sufrir como tú me hiciste a mí. Esa es mi promesa de", Viola replies quietly. 

"And what does that mean?", I continue my questioning. 

"One day I will make you suffer like you have made me. That is my promise to you", Viola answers. Her answer puts a slight smile on my face, she wants revenge. But on who? 

I move down to her ear and my lips lightly brush them. A gasp escapes her mouth and I feel my own grow a grin. "Chi vuoi che soffra, amore?" (who do you want to suffer, love), I ask, lowering my voice to a whisper. 

I bring my eyes back to look into the mirror and she stares at me through the reflective surface. It feels as if I'm having deja vu. This moment feeling as if I have already had it, but in a completely different life. Her green eyes mustering up unwanted memories. We stare at each other in silence, before she speaks up, "You should leave", she says quietly. I nod and walk out of the room. I don't know why I left so easily, but I just did. Maybe it's because I knew that if I stayed there much longer, I wasn't sure what I would do. 

(1940 WORDS)

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