"Uh... Oh Jinae. Hello, I didn't realise you were here too." He said rubbing his nape. I walked in front and stood between them, forming a triangle.

"Yeah no problem." She said and walked away, leaving us dumb founded. "Whats up with her?"

Hoseok asked, watching her figure getting smaller.

A wave of guilt rushed through me but forgetting it, I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know dude."

"Let's go then. Our houses are in the same lame anyways" Hoseok shouted.

"My ears!!" I yelled covering my ears.

"Bear with me. Lets go" he sassed and grabbed your wrist, dragging you.

Time Skip

"Okay then we'll meet tomorrow, hoe" I said yawning and stretching.

"Yeah byee. And stop with that name please" he said rolling his eyes

I just turned back to enter inside the complex of my apartmemt when he tugged on my arms

Giving him a confused look, I motioned him to continue.

"Oh um Y/n. I was thinking if you would like to have a doubt clearance class?"

He asked nervously. "What doubts?"

"You remember the revision test we'll be having right?"

How can I forget that. Its disastrous.

I don't even know why do we have to study about those dead people.

"Yeah. The history one"

He nodded

"So?" He looked really eager.

I shrugged and pursed my lips because I, myself, am not sure what Jinae unnie would like to do, so without thinking anything, I just agreed.


I swear I saw his eyes sparkling.

"So, today. And. . .your place it is. Byee" he said and held his bag straps, making a run.

I stood there dumbly. After realising what just happened,

I sighed happily and made my way towards the stairs, thinking about Jinae unnie and Hoe being together.

To be honest, today feels like a lazy day.

And these days are meant only for lurking around or for snuggling yourself inside a blanket with a laptop, headphones and ofcourse, snacks.

I don't think I'll be studying today.

Or maybe I will.

Who knows what the future has kept for us in its small little box, that can burst open any moment with happiness or sadness.

And dude, my legs hurt like hell. I should beg the land lady bitch, to repair the destroyed lift. These stairs are disgusting.

And who the fuck thought that renting a room at the 8th floor in this old crusty apartment would be a good idea.

Ofcourse Jinae Unnie's father.

I swear I might choke that man to death someday.

After Reaching the 7th floor, I bent down, standing with the support of my knees and panted.

I  flinched hearing some footsteps.

Might be someone- ofcourse.

No, What if there's a thief or a murderer roaming here?

Lords, save me.

Taking small steps towards the stairs, i started walking but all the confidence I just collected, drained out when I saw a silhouette of a man.

With a. . .hammer?

I stopped in my ways and thought I would run back but before I could make a run, he came infront of me.

Wait... isn't he the plumber?

I scoffed at my own actions and started walking.

He gave me a weird look and walked away.

Sighing a breath, I climbed the stairs and made my way towards my flat.

But again, I saw a boy infront of my neighbour's door. That too, in my school's uniform (how to form sentences?)

He was standing there, facing away.

Somewhat looked familiar, but I just shook my head and went infront of my door.

The door was locked. From inside.

So, she reached first.

I knocked on the door lightly. I turned my head towards the boy standing just 5 meters away from me

On hearing my knock, he flinched and looked towards me.


My eyes widened



Thank you for reading!!

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