Athena shook her head. "Nope. Had too much of those lollies and now my mind won't shut. My body is tired but my head is the complete opposite."

A chuckle left the Weasley's mouth. "Well, I'll keep you company down here."

Nodding her head, Athena turned her head back to the fire. "How's the shop going?"

"Well, seeing as students had gone back to school, there weren't as many customers as there are during the summer break. There's still lots going in and out every now and then, but nothing bad has been happening so far."

"That's great, I'm glad you guys managed to fulfill this." Athena hummed, changing her position to lying down on her stomach on the long sofa, lying down on a small couch pillow as her arms were crossed underneath. "Still kinda salty about you guys not letting me join you guys get expelled."

The familiar sound of his laughs entered Athena's ears. "That'd be letting all your brains and talent go to waste Fi. You'd be able to do much more than just working in a shop located in a deserted alley."


"I heard that Ron's found a girl now-"

George's sentence was then interrupted by a loud bang, causing both of the two to startle and get up. "What was that?"

The two had walked to a window, checking to see what was occurring outside of the house. A death eater had caused a ring of fire to circle around the house, trapping people within the circle. Footsteps can be heard descending the staircase, catching the attention of the Black as she looked towards it, seeing Harry run towards the door.

"Harry no!-" Athena tried to warn him but the boy had already run past the door, earning the same warning from a few of the people standing at the door. She didn't know where Harry had gone, or where James and Remus did as well, seeing as they followed after the boy, but what she did know was that the Burrow was going to burn down if the flame had neared it.

"GINNY! RON! FRED! GET DOWN HERE!" George had yelled out loudly, Athena running out as she watched the situation occurring. With the amount of people present right now, they would be able to set the fire out, unless another death eater comes and sets the fire on the Burrow.

Athena had helped in trying to tame the fire, however things were quite difficult as the fire was wild. It resulted in earning her a few burns over her arms as she didn't have her wand with her. There was no sign of Harry or her two uncles as they had run off quite far, but she couldn't worry about them right now as there was a larger problem at hand. Not much longer later, she could hear a scream from her left, which had come from Ginny's mouth as a death eater had come and blasted a spell at her.

Molly had immediately come to aid the girl, and Athena would have as well if it weren't for the death eater who was nearing the flame. Walking through it, the large wizard had grinned wickedly, before pointing his wand at the Burrow.

Realising what he was about to do, Athena had run in front of the area the spell was pointed at and with a wave of her hand, the spell directed to her had been waved off to the side. "Well, I guess they were right. You are powerful for your age... a great asset to our army."

Athena knew that the sentence was directed at her as the man had been staring directly at her. Creep... She thought to herself, pointing her hand's direction at the man as a glowy blue aura had emitted from her forearm and forwards. The man then started to lift off his feet, moving his feet aggressively as he tried to get himself down.

"Huh?! Get me down you brat!" He growled loudly.

Athena hadn't listened as she started making his boy float on top of the flames. Realising what she was doing, the man had pointed his wand at her again and thrown a spell at her. However, it wasn't a good idea towards him as it had distracted her, causing her power to deactivate and the man had fallen into the flame.

"Athena!" Said girl had fallen onto the floor, as it had aimed for her leg. Not caring for her leg, she faced back towards the man, and saw that he was running away while trying to remove the fire set as he had caught his clothing on fire. She turned around as she felt herself being lifted. The Burrow's fine...

The sound of crackling flame had died down as dark shadows were seen flying across the sky. She felt herself being lifted up in bridal style, and being brought into the house. "George! Take her back inside and Tonks treat her!"

Nodding, the boy obliged and had brought the girl in, setting her down on the armchair as Ginny was laid down on the long sofa, who was also brought in as Athena had dropped the death eater floating.

Looking over Ginny's unconscious figure, the girl was seriously injured. The spell casted from the death eater must've been a complex one as a simple spell wouldn't have caused this much damage. However thanks to Molly, Ginny was easily healed, the only problem being that they wouldn't know how long she'd be unconscious for.

"What happened to Ginny?" Harry's voice caught her attention, the boy then looking over at Athena. "What happened to Athena!?"

"Oh we're just peacefully resting, Harold. It's not like we're both seriously injured right now."

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