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Ladans POV

I couldn't stand it anymore. It had been days since Addison had been spotted, more and more weapons had been delivered to the warehouse. I couldn't bare to send any of my men in to attack just in case she got hurt or they used her as a weapon against us. I knew they were planning an attack, they couldn't do it straight away though as we took out at least half of their men the other day before I commanded a fallback, I didn't want anything bad to happen to Addison, I'd never be able to forgive myself if any harm came to her.

I couldn't think straight so I had left Colton in charge, his commands were to get everyone ready, prepare them for an oncoming fight, and when it does happen their goal is to protect themselves and Addison and kill whatever stands in their way.

I had been hidden in our room for a week now, it was pathetic, her scent was fading from the room, I couldn't feel her anymore, I was lost. I was in no fit state to run a gang.

I was pulled out of my wallowing when my phone buzzed with a text message from Colton.

"Addison spotted, no signs of any harm been caused to her. She came to the door of the warehouse, looked around, then stepped back inside."

My gut relieved abit when I read it knowing that she wasn't hurt in anyway, but my heart sank a little at the fact she was alright and hadn't bothered with me, she still believed her dad. I don't understand how she could believe it, she said her mum had died when she was a toddler, no older than 3 years old, I was only 6 at the time and I know I got into this killing and gang stuff really young but I didn't kill anybody until I was 9 years old.

I jumped as another text message came through on my phone.

My eyes widened and my heart must've stopped when I read who it was from. 'My girl xxx' - " I'm sorry, meet me at the warehouse tonight and we can sort this all out. Once and for all. "

I was frozen stiff, what do I take that as? I hadn't heard from her in a week and a half since she chose her dad over me and she randomly messages me with that? It must be a set up, they want me dead, they're just luring me in . But that's okay, I need to see her, I need to talk to her.

"Sir" I jumped as I realized one of my top men in my room, I hadn't even heard him come in.

"What is it?" I asked abruptly. My patience and slowly diminished this past week.

"Addison's mother, we've found something"

The bad boy wants to protect me?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon