The bad boy wants to protect me?

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What? Ladan killed my mum? It couldn't be, i know Ladan, i know he does bad things but my mother was a good woman she just got mixed up with a man and she couldn't get out. She was the most amazing mother and Ladan wouldn't take somebody like that out of this world. Would he? Now i wasn't so sure, how much do i actually know him? I've only known him for a short period of time and although that time feels like forever, now i'm not so sure, i've rushed into something with somebody i have no clue about, i can't know him properly if i'm even questioning him, can i?

I looked over at the guy who i had shared my entire life with these past couple of months, he still looked the same, although his eyes were wider now, a shine glossed across them, and i couldn't tell what it was; guilt? fear? He had wrinkles on his forehead because he was angry, not towards me though, to the man laughing in the cornor. But if Ladan did kill my mother why didn't my dad do anything about it, although my dad is a bad man, i know he loved my mum with all his heart, even though he found it hard to show it sometimes when his anger got the better of him, surely if my dad knew who killed my mum he would have done something about it years ago? It just doesn't make sense.

"Surely you recognise him Addison? The man at the back of the church at the funerul, you asked about it because you had never seen him before. That's because he was there out of guilt." My dad said while smirking. 

Did i recognise him? When i first saw him it felt like i knew him, like he already had a place in my life but not in a bad way, like he was meant to be with me for some unknown reason, i connected with him easily, surely i wouldn't connect with somebody so easily if they had killed my mother. But i do remember somebody being there at the back of the church he was in a full black suit with sunglasses on, i don't remember his face.

"You're not seriously beleiving this Ads? This guy has runied yur life, kept you in a bubble and taken everything from you, how can you actually trust anything he says now, you know he's crazy Ads, you know it. How can you even think about beleiving him." Ladan stepped towards me and tried to take my hand, but i stepped away. The hurt in his eyes my my insides crumble, could he really have done that?

"He's my dad Ladan.." i whispered so softly, because i was so ashamed that he was my father and he still had an impact on me no matter what. 

"Fuck Ads! He stopped being your dad the first time that he raped you! Took your innocence away when you were just a child, before you even undstood what you were doing! He was the only thing in your life, the only person you trusted and he broke you! He used your naivity to his advantage and took everything away so that you were nothing!" Ladan shouted and i had never seen him so angry.

One word kept ringing in my head 'Nothing..'. Ladan thought i was nothing, so he also had me fooled just as my father did. If he had put on a front this whole time then i never knew him atall, he's just a man accused of killing my mother and i can't let that go. 

I looked up at Ladan, not even knowing who he was anymore. "Leave"

His face turned to shock "Ad-" 

"LEAVE!" I shouted, i couldnt contain my anger, it was all too much.

He took one last look and walked away.

Glancing at the back of his body my heart broke just that little bit more.

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