The bad boy wants to protect me?

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My heart was broken. I felt like i had nothing left now, the first time i get away from my dad and i fall in love with the man who killed my mother. Maybe my father was right all these years, i shouldn't be away from him, although he hurts me i have never felt a pain like this before. It stopped hurting emotionally after the first time my father touched me, because i didn't feel anything for him anymore, he was just there, i didn't feel the pain of losing him because there was nothing to lose. Whereas, with Ladan, i had let him become everything to me, my light at the end of the tunnel, i thought this was it now, this was my time to shine, to enjoy life, have a job, a man and friends that i can go out with. But, maybe that life wasn't meant for me, maybe that wasn't the path i was supposed to go down and maybe i shouldn't have tried so hard to run, if i deserved good things than they would come, not be taken away as soon as i got them.

As i play over my time with Ladan in my head i didn't notice my dad coming towards me until his hand was on my shoulder, i instantly cringed away not wanting any other man to touch me, especially my father. 

"He's not worth your tears Addison, he took something so precious from you that you can never get back." So did you. 

"He is a disgusting human being." So are you.

"He doesn't know how to care for people." Neither do you.

I couldn't take much more of this, i don't understand, my father thinks just because another man has hurt me he's off the hook, i will never forgive or forget what he did to me, and just because anything i had with Ladan is now gone doesn't mean i will be running back to my father. 

'3rd person'

'Addison you know what we have to do, don't you?' Addisons father said in a low dark voice, like he was upto something. Addison looked up at her father with a confused look on her face, what would they have to do?

'An eye for an eye Ads, revenge is sweet and Ladan is going to get what he deserves for being such a prick.'  He said with a smirk on his face. 'You're in right? I mean he did kill your mother after all.'

Addison stared at her father for a few seconds with a look of bewilderment on her face before answering him.

'I'm in daddy, but there's no point pussy footing around the situation with Ladan's brother, we're going straight to the source, straight to Ladan' Addison said with a smirk on her face.


Okay i've got to say a massive sorry to all my fans reading this, i know i'm slow but i've just not been in the mood recently and also been fairly busy so it's been quite hard getting into it. But the bitchy comments don't help either, they're not going to make me update any fasted so no need to bother. Massive thankyou for everybody's votes and comments!

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