The bad boy wants to protect me?

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I recognised him as soon as he stepped into the fraction of light in front of me. I didn't remember his name but i remembered exactly where i know him from. 

I don't know whether to be releived or scared. He was the man who delivered the envelope to me at the salon. 

He said he was a member of Ladans gang, but if he is why would he have given me that. If he was part of Ladans gang he would have known Ladan didn't want me caught up in all this. But that's exactly what this guy did, he got me involved. So i guess i should be scared, because he must be a traitor. 

It was weird though, i wasn't scared, not one bit. It's like my mind had given me a good kick up the ass and told me to stop being such a pussy about things and fight back for once. 

"Addison" He muttered giving me a nod.

"what do you want?" I said with feirceness i didn't even know i posessed. I obviously wasn't the only one suprised by myself as i noticed the shocked look cross the guys face.

"We need to talk, it's about Ladan. You need to go back and run things with him" Huh? That wasn't what i was expected, run things with him? as in the gang?

"Listen, just hear me out okay?" he asked.

"why should i? You're clearly a traitor!"  I shouted. A hard look crossed his face as he got angry, an inch of fear started to come up within me but i pushed it back down.

"You're right, i did betray Ladan. I told the Border Brotherhood gang about Ladans little brother and i even delivered that envelope to you knowing full well what was inside knowing you'd look, and you know what? I don't regret it whatsoever." He said confidentally. I slapped him, right across the face, the force was so hard that his head whipped to the side. What has gotten into me?

"How the fuck could you do that? To Ladan? To the gang? What reason could you possibly have to go against everything you know and betray everyone like that?" I screamed at him. His face was still looking to the side from where i had slapped him. He slowly turned his head to face me with such intensity in his eyes. 

"Do you have family Addison? People you love and who love you unconditionally? People who you will do anything to protect, even if it means betraying the people that mean so much to you?" He asked me. Family? I had family, but that's not how we felt towards each other. I don't love my dad anymore, i haven't for a long time, and i wouldn't do anything to protect him, and i know he didn't love me, not in the way he's supposed to anyway. So i shook my head at him.

"Well you won't know what it feels like then would you? To have their lives in danger because of your decisions. I did what i had to to protect my family. And i wouldn't take it back for the world. I can't let them suffer for my mistakes." He said, i almost, almost felt a bit sorry for him.

"What happened to the gang is your family? When you join a gang, it comes first, before family even-"

"I didn't know a family could mean so much to me! I didn't know i could fall in love, have unconditional love for children that wern't even meant to be brought into this world. I would have never pledged to the gang if i had known how great it is to have a family! You won't understand till you have a family of your own Addison." He bellowed. I couldn't be assed with his crap to be honest, he's a traitor and he's put people in danger.

"Just tell me what you've got to say already, i can't be assed with your shitty life story right now."

"You need to go back to Ladan, he's not been himself lately since you arrived. He's always so distracted with you and when he is leading the gang his minds always somewhere else. The gang needs him now especially. He's planning to take them all out Addison, the Border Brotherhood gang, he's planning to wipe them out. It's dangerous, real dangerous seeing as their numbers have been getting higher. If it's not planned perfectly Ladans gang could be the one being wiped out. That's why you need to be there with him, planning and running it with him otherwise he won't use his full abilities to make this work because he'd be so distracted. I'm doing this to kind of pay my debt for betraying him, you need to do this for him and his gang" I didn't expect that, could i do that? Sort of lead a gang with Ladan? Before i wouldn't have beleived i could, but after this encounter with the traitor i feel so much more confident and stronger, like i can do that. And if it's to save Ladan, i will do it.

"Thanks for the advice. But now, I don't want to see you ever again, You've put peoples lives in danger and if you ever come back around here i'll deal with you myself. You're pledge to the gang is unofficially removed courtesy of moi. Now fuck off and take your family with you away from here." I said feircely and started heading back home.

Guess it's time to tell Ladan, i'm in.

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