The bad boy wants to protect me?

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I got home from work and the house was empty, Ladan was nowhere to be seen. It wasn't so much of a shock, i'm guessing from the way he acted this morning and last night he was trying to put off telling me what's going on. I'm okay with that though, after talking to Lucy today i was happy to let him do what he has to do for a while. I know he needs to figure things out before bringing another person into his life. 

He'll tell me when he's ready.

To take my mind off things i started to give the house a clean. It was already pretty dirty when i first came here so after me and Ladan living here it was getting quite messy. I started with the kitchen, all the mess from the meal Ladan had started to cook for us last night was still out so i decided to clean up that first.

After leaving the kitchen spotless i was hoovering the living room when i heard the door go. I turned off the hoover and turned around to see Ladan looking at me with a determined look in his eye. He strode over to me with big strides and gave me a long, scorching kiss. It took my breath away and before i could even kiss him back he had pulled away.

He had one of his arms around my waist and his other hand was grasping my chin to make sure i was looking straight at him. 

"I'm ready to talk babe." He said.

I broke out into a massive grin. He was ready and i couldn't be happier. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to sit next to me on the sofa.

"I'm just gonna come out with it, don't judge me please." He looked at me with pleading eyes which worried me. What had he done? I just nodded back at him.

"It was when i was 14, and my younger brother was only 11. Dad shut us out after my mum died so me and Jace were all each other had, we weren;t just brothers. He was my best friend. So yea basically when he was 11 he told me he was gay. It may not seem like much but in the gang world it's known as a sin, even being the gang leaders son didn't get him out of the daily beatings." I gasped and he looked up at me with a guilty look in his eyes. No, he wouldnt' would he? Not my Ladan?

"That's not even the worst of it, Jace was tough for an 11  year old he'd still get up every time the gang members beat him down. But no 11 year old is strong enough to take his brother, someone who's supposed to be his best friend, and even his own dad beating him up on a daily basis." Tears filled Ladan's eyes and i watched hiim with my wide eyes.

"I don't know what happened to me Ads, i was brought up thinking being gay was wrong, sick even. I didn't want to do it, but i saww the disappointment in my dads eyes when he looked at jace and i didn't want to have the same fate, to have that look aimed at me. So i went along with it, thinking i was tough and big beating on my baby brother. He was just a kid Ads, he was so troubled having to go through that alone, thinking there was something wrong with him, when there wasn't, there really wasn't."

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