The bad boy wants to protect me?

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I couldn't move, I could hear my fathers evil laughing in the distance, i could feel Ladan shaking me, but i wasn't there. I was that weak girl again, the past few months trying to hide and forget everything that had happened had been wasted, because although i felt like i was stronger now, it only took one second of eye contact with those green eyes for my whole world to come crashing back down. My whole stance and insides were weaking once again and i wasn't sure how to stop it. It was like i was being pulled, being pulled so hard down into this abyss that i knew i couldn't get out of again. I couldn't go through it again, go back to that life i lived with my father, not after i've known what it's like to live with Ladan. 

"Oh Addison, you didn't get far did you?" The patronisation in his voice brought me out of the black hole i seemed to be sinking into. My eyes snapped open and i felt this whole new person come over me, all the anger and pain he put me through was boiling to the surface preparing to explode. Looking into his eyes i knew that was what he wanted, he was taunting me, waiting for a reaction, it was always his best method to get his kicks. 

So I smiled. I gave him the most manipulating smile i could muster up, i wouldn't allow him to see how much he had broken me. I was strong now, i had grown and i refuse to be brought back down by someone who quite frankly, is worth less than the dirt on my shoes. 

"Just far enough, daddy dearest" i said in a strong, sarcastic tone. He wasn't expecting it, i could tell when his smile faltered a little, i noticed it though, i'd seen that falter before. 

"What so you're with him now? This stupid drug dealer murderer?" He asked me in a harsh tone, he was jealous. 

I looked over at Ladan, he was looking at me with so much pride it made my heart swell to, what felt like, twice the size. He was letting me confront my dad by myself, i knew he was shocked and i knew he wanted to rip my dads head off by the stiffness of his body, but he knew i needed to do this, and that is why i love Ladan.

"Yeah, I am" i said with a genuine smile.

"Even though hes a murderer?" my dad said with a snarl, i knew Ladan had killed people in fights before, and although it wasn't always under good intentions, it was to protect him and his gang. 

"Yes, there's nothing you can say that I don't know or will stop me being with him, your opinion doesnt mean shit."

He smirked back at me, like he knew something i didn't, like he knew he could break me again, and that made my heart beat faster and a pounding start in my head.

"Really? Are you sure? Because i know you wouldn't be with him if you knew what i did." He laughed.

I looked over to Ladan who looked as confused as i did, which put me at ease a little. We both turned back to my father and waited for him to inspire us with his information.

He laughed a deep, haunting laugh.

"Oh, Addison, you're such a fool. Who else could have killed your mother?"

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