The bad boy wants to protect me?

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WARNING - minor sexual content at the end of this chapter.

“Y-your what?” I asked In a shaky voice, not even recognizing my own voice because of how weak it sounded.

We were still sat in the bathroom, it feels like time has stopped and minutes have passed since Ladan said his brothers name, his baby brother.

He looked over at me with a hard look, probably pissed at the fact I had seen him so weak. But I didn’t see him as weak right now, it feels like I know him now, the real him, the one that’s not afraid to cry over his brother in front of a girl he wants to impress. In this very moment I’ve never seen Ladan so strong.

“He’s not really a baby.” I was shocked to hear his voice low and husky. “I just call him that cause he’s young, well to me anyway. He’s only 17 Ads, he’s so young. I’ve always looked after him, always. I’ve been so busy with the gang and-” He cut off.

“And what?” I asked. I looked at him through my eyelashes with a suspicious look, what else could he be busy with? He always says he’s out doing gang work and if he’s not out he’s been at home with me. 

Which means he must have been doing something else when he said he was ‘working’. Something that he couldn’t tell me about. A girl? That’s the only thing I could think of. My heart dropped at the thought. My gut hurt. 

I knew I’d never be good enough for him, I didn’t even realise how much I liked him until now, until I realised he’s probably got some gorgeous girl on his arm somewhere. I’m such an idiot.

I started to stand up as I felt tears pricking at the back of my eyes. I wouldn’t let him see me cry, I wanted to be there for him, whatever’s happened to his brother it can’t be good and he needs someone to be strong for him right now. 

I can’t let him see me crying over something so stupid when he may have just lost his brother. So I stood up and started heading for the door.

I hear shuffling behind me and felt someone tug at my wrist. I didn’t turn around, the tears were running down my cheeks now and it wasn’t fair on him. So I put my head down and waited for him to let go, not being able to speak, knowing my voice would break.

“You” I heard him whisper, it was so quiet I’m surprised I even hear it. What is that supposed to mean? I turned to look at him with a confused expression which turned to shock when I saw the look in his eyes. I had never seen it before and I didn’t have a clue what it meant. 

His face turned to shock as he looked at me as well. I’m guessing because of the tears.

He stepped forward and put his hand on my cheek while he wiped away the tears with his thumb. His touch made something bubble inside of me that I’ve only ever felt when around him.

“and you. I’ve been so busy with the gang.. And you.” He said huskily. My breath caught in my throat. What? I’m a freaking idiot. There was me going mental inside my head thinking there was some other girl, when the other girl was me. 

I blew out a breath trying to think of something to say when I felt his lips on mine. It was just a light peck.

He pulled back a bit and rested his forehead against mine. He had his eyes closed and I could tell he was going to break. He must be going crazy thinking about his brother. I just wanted to comfort him, to make it all go away, it made my heart and body ache to see him like this. 

Before I could stop myself I was roughly kissing him, I grabbed his face between my hands and bit the bottom of his lips. He seemed shock at my move but wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer anyway. He opened his mouth and let out a moan as I suckled on his bottom lip. I used this to my advantage and slowly pricked my tongue into his mouth. As soon as our tongues made contact I let out a low moan. It was like from that little touch my whole body ached with need. Need for Ladan. As I was lost in my daze Ladan used this as a chance to regain control. He wrestled my tongue with my own as we explored each others mouths.

I had never felt anything like this before. I tried to press my body closer to Ladan when he picked me up by my thighs, pushed me up against the bathroom door and wrapped my legs around his waist. I squeezed myself against him as I tried to take control of this kiss again.

Ladan pulled away when I tried to take control and I let out a little whimper at the loss of contact . He smirked at me as he grabbed my hands that had been running through his hair and held them together above my head on the wall.

“I’m in control.” He stated huskily as he started kissing me making me go completely wild. I moaned and bucked my hips against him as he got to my soft spot. I was biting so hard on my lip I could taste blood, the pain felt good because of how turned on I was. Is that weird?

I could feel myself getting moist as he rubbed against me. This is it. This is what I want. Ladan. 

All of him.


OH gawddd! You guys think they’re going to do it? 

We haven’t found out about his brother yet so what do you guys thinks happened to him? 

AND a new cover? What dya guys think? Like? Not like?

Will update at the weekend J

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