The bad boy wants to protect me?

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Sorry guys accidentally published instead of jsut saving which is why the last chappy was so short!



Walking round the unknown streets in the evening was pretty boring, aswell as creepy. It was deserted outside as the sun was setting letting the darkness take over the city. I don't know what i was thinking really, i don't know anybody around here accept lucy and her friends but i forgot my phone so i can't call her.

So i took to exploring. I've not really got used to this new town yet so i figured i might aswell now. It was okay, where i come from is nicer and cleaner whereas around here is quite rough, which i suppose is why Ladan's gang lives round here. Assuming a lot of people round here and into drugs and stuff. 

I couldn't wrap my mind around Ladan, he was so complicated and i wasn't even with him, i couldn't figure out whether it was worth it or not. I mean, me? with a gang leader? I mean id of never thought it. I hadn't experienced real life yet and now it seems like all this is coming at me and i'm not prepared enough to take it all in. 

Ladan needs a woman, someone who can stand up for herself. Someone who can defend herself so that he doesn't have to. Being Ladans girlfriend would make me a taget to get to him. I couldn't be that weakling i once was. I needed to learn how to defend myself i thought to myself as i walked through a back alley.

Noticing i was in a dark back alley of these dodgy streets i froze in my tracks. I hadn't even remembered turning in here, stupid, stupid. 

Just like in all the horror movies i feel footsteps coming up behind me.

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