The bad boy wants to protect me?

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Looking through the glass door of the cafe i let out a big sigh of releif seeing Addison sat in one of the booths. She looked fine, which meant she was just ignoring my phone calls, had she changed her mind? 

I was just about to open the door to go and ask her when her lips started moving, i thought she was in there alone? i couldn't see the opposite side of the booth to see who was sitting there. She looked deep in conversation, really serious. It freaked me out a little, she doesn't know many people round here so who would she be speaking with?

I froze a little when she made eye contact with me, like she knew i was there. She leant back in her seat and gave me a knowing smile, like she knew i would come for her. This just made me angry, i've been worrying my ass off, while she's sitting here perfectly safe with not a care in the world?

I glared back at her and her smile faltered a bit. I stepped inside and saw the other person she must have been speaking too. Lucy...

God, i try to steer clear of that girl, i'm happy that she's Addison's friend but that girl has always been so frightened of me, i had sex with her sister one time and she saw me leaving her room, i don't know why she's scared, probably knows a bit of my background. It's not much of a secret round here of who i am. 

I stopped in front of their table, keeping eye contact with Addison.

"Girls." I said bluntly. Not even bothering to look at Lucy she'll just get scared and make up some stupid excuse to leave.

"Uhh is that the time? God i was meant to be home hours ago." I heard her say, wow i didn't have to look at her and she runs out the cafe. Weird.

I sat down in her seat and glared at Addison. She looked at me with a confused look.

"What's your problem?" She asked.

"Do you know how worried i've been about you, do you know how many people are after you and you just disappear. I've been pulling my hair out, sending all the guys running around town looking for you and you're hear having a nice old catch up with her." I said through gritted teeth, trying not to let show how angry i was with her.

"You could have just rang me Ladan." She said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I almost laughed seeing the innocent face on her.

"Really? I could have just rang could i? God why did i not think of that? You know for a moment i forgot that you had a phone and you told me to ring you. So where's your phone now?" I asked.

She reached down and unzipped the fornt pocket of her bag, about to pull something out "It's right here La - oh." She looked up at me sheepishly. "Damn vibrate mode." I couldn't help but laugh at her cute little expression, the fac she was okay gave me such a sense of releif. I stood up and hugged her, lifting her up off her seat, i span her round and kissed her. 

"I want you to be in my gang, by my side." I whispered in her ear. SHe leaned back to look at me with the hugest grin i'd ever seen.

"I know." She said and kissed me again.

"Tomorrow morning, we're attacking the Border's. You're coming with me, be prepared."


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh i am sorrrrrrry! Been so busy lately as i've just started college again. 

Type into youtube 'soldiers coming home'. Makes me cry every time.

The bad boy wants to protect me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora