The bad boy wants to protect me?

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Still Ladans POV

As soon as i walked out the door i thought about how stupid i was. I don't even know where she is, she could be anywhere by now.

I chuckled to myself and went back inside to get my phoe catching the guys glancing at me with confused looks. I shrugged and held my phone up to them before going back outside.

I went to my contacts and clicked dial on 'my girl xxx'. She'd kill me if she knew i had her number saved as this but i couldn't help myself. What she doesn't know won't hurt her.

I put the phone to my ear with a smile on my face, knowing how happy she was going to be.

My smile turned upside down though when the phone kept ringing and ringing and ringing until finally it told me to leave a message. 

Why wouldn't she be answering her phone? She said to ring her if i changed my mind so surely she would have her phone at the ready. I know she has her phone, i saw her take it with her, i saw it!

She wouldn't be ignoring me, would she? She could really be mad at me, that was why, i  mean she could have seen my name on her phone and been like 'screw him'. Yeah that would be it.

I typed in the code on my phone that hides you number before typing in her name after it. So it should pop up on her phone as an unknown caller ringing. 

I put the phone to my ear as my breaths came out shorter. Voicemail again. So that means she wasn't just ignoring me. She couldn't get to her phone, there was something or someone stopping her from getting to her phone. 

I knew i shouldn't have let her walk out that door. How could i be so stupid. I pushed her away trying to keep her away from danger but i pushed her straight into it. Letting her walk out in the middle of the night when there were people after her. I'm so stupid. Fuck. 

 If anything happens to her i'll never forgive myself.

I ran back into the house to ask the guys for help, i couldn't think straight.

They were all laughing at something, but stopped immediately when they saw my face.

"What's going on?" Craig said.

"She's not answering her phone, i even rang on unknown incase she was just ignoring me but she didn't answer, somethings happened i can feel it in my bones, i shouldn't have let her walk out that door. What was i thinking you guys? I'm such a dick!" I shoted pulling at my hair.

"Right, just chill out. She can't have gotten far. Where did she live before? I mean she must have family she can go to right?" I cringed at Craigs words.

"Yeah, she lived with her abusive dad, exactly what she was running away from."I said, feeling guilty. I never realise how much she has been through and what shes going through right now.

"Okay so she must be sticking around, looking at her tonight it's quite obvious she knows what control she has over you and she's expecting you to call so she will have stuck around. What time is it?" He asked as i checked the clock on my phone.

"10 minutes past 12."

"Okay so she's gotta be somewhere close that will be open at this time." He said looking round at us waiting for us to give him suggestions.

"All the clubs like Moonlight, Up and Nightlife will still be open at this time but the pubs will probably be closed because it's a week night." Colton said.

"She wouldn't go to the clubs by herself and with all her stuff." I said knowing Addison better than i thought. "She would go somehwere more secluded."

"Okay well what about the 24hour cafes?" Colton said.

"Yeah you're right, there's nowhere else she could go, there's three round here, the one down the street and the 3 that are further into town." Joe said.

"OKay well you 3 take the cars to the ones in town and i'll go to the one round the corner. Ring me as  soon as you guys know anything okay?" I said, they knew it was a command. 

I said thanks to them all before we all split different ways with the same mission on our minds - get my Ads back!

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