The bad boy wants to protect me?

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There were no words to describe what was infront of me, it was something you wouldn't be able to create in the wildest of imaginations. Nothing could compare to the wildness of the scene.

I recognised a few faces from the house this morning but other than that i couldn't tell the difference between the two gangs, excpet for the fact that i knew all Ladan's gang were well built, whereas the opposing gang were either very lanky or quite overweight, so far our chances were looking good.

I was still standing in the doorway when i felt a shuv against my arm, i jumped away immediately making sure i didn't get involved in some sort of fight. I noticed it was one of the guys from the house this morning, he had a guy on the floor and punched him in the side of the head which caused the man to get knocked out. The guy in the gang, my gang, looked up at me and winked and i gave him a smile. I felt no remorse for the man who was lying by my feet, just pride of the fact my guy had put him there. 

I felt Ladan touch my arm and whisper in my ear 'we got him' he said before he started leading me through the hundreds of men fighting for their leader, for their gang.

Our plan was simple really, while the gang fought Ladan went to seek out their new leader, he was going to get him into one of the rooms at the back of the buildings and me and Ladan were going to get out of him as much as possible. He won't give up anything at first, but when he realised his gang was slowly losing the ongoing battle he would spill, we were hoping anyway.

We came to a bornw rotting door that lead to a little hallway and another room at the back of the building. I started to feel kind of nervous as we got closer to the door, i didn't know anything about this world or the man behind that door, it was nerve-wrecking. I felt Ladan wrap his hand around mine and instantly calmed down, it was weird that he had such a massive effect on me, but in a good way.

He led the way and opened the door, i couldn't see their leader yet as Ladan was infront of me.

"I didn't think you had it in you, and i was right, you're gang is getting killed out there." Ladan said to the man. "I'd like you to meet my partner, my second in command, if you like." 

I couldn't help the smile that came to my lips as i heard him speak about me like that, i looked down at the floor to hide my smile as Ladan stepped out from infront of me. 

I heard somebody take a deep breath and looked up. It was like a magnet as i instantly connected with a pair of eyes, green eyes, eyes that match my own as haunt me everyday.


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