"Eat." He says sternly and all but two do so.

"Are you going to let mommy eat?" Asks Misa

"Don't worry about your mother. Be glad that I'm letting you—"

"I'm fine, Misa. I'm full just watching you."

Ja-won reaches over and grips the wrist of Sera. She tries her best not to show fear or pain in front of her children.

"Did I say you could speak? I think I can answer my own daughter's question." He seethes

"My apologizes," Sera says softly as he lets her go

But Sera doesn't miss the way Misa glares at her father.

"But she usually gets to eat with us. You usually say she can sit with us. Why can't she now?"

"Hiro!" Ja-won shouts, causing the table to jump from the deep vibration his voice naturally has, "Do not question me. I am the man of this house! Your caretaker. Without me, you all fall. The next to speak will watch their mother eat the dirt from my shoes. Am. I. Understood?" He says deeply as he glares around the table.

"Yes." They say

"Yes, what?" He seethes

"Yes sir." The children answer

"Now eat." He demands.


Sera finishes cleaning up breakfast. Ja-won enters the kitchen in his suit, briefcase in hand.

"I'll be at work late tonight. No funny shit, Sera. Keep my food warm and deal with those kids." He says annoyed

"Yes, Ja-won." She says.


"Mm." She answers as she puts the last dish in the dishwasher.

She waits for the door to click before she runs over towards the front window.

Like always, the children follow her, scrunching together so that they can watch the devil drive away.

"I hate him, ma," Zin says.

"That's not a nice thing to say about your father," Sera says as she watches the car

"He's not our father," Ji-Han says softly

Sera sadly cast her eyes down. She never lied to her children. They know Ji-won isn't who fathered them. But, she has never told them exactly who did.

"Can we still go to Da-Eun's party?" Sula asks

"Mm." Sera hums

"I heard they're not having it." Says Taeyong as he stands on his tiptoes to try and see over Loona's head.

"We should still stop by." Says Zin

"Mm. Mommy always said we should be polite and show our face." Sula says as she holds her mother's soft nightgown.

"I won't be able to take you, though." Sera finally says

All seven children look up to eye her.

"Why not?" Asks Zin, "does it have something to do with daddy?"

She softly nods 'no.' "Mommy has to work."

"You always have work." Says Misa

"Your temper is getting worse," Sera says and Misa scoffs

"It's not bad! I'm 9 and a half years old! It's growing still." She says in a pout

Sera laughs and moves away from the window. Climbing the large staircase.

As always, glued to her hip, her children follow after her.

"If Da-Eun isn't having a party can she come here instead?" Asks Hiro

"No; you really like Da-Eun hm?" Asks Sera

"Not as much as Zin! I think he's a crush on her."

"Don't rat me out Ro-Ro!" Says Zin as they reach the landing

"Well, it's," Sera glances at her wristwatch, "12:45, I could cook a late lunch while you all take your showers and get ready to go—"

Multiples sighs are heard.

"Or you can sit in your rooms all day and do nothing like your father would prefer." She says

"No!" They all yell

She laughs and stops in front of her bedroom door.

"Alright then, showers and then lunch and then to Da-Eun's."

"Mm." They hum before they run off towards their rooms.

Loona and Sula stop midway before turning back,

"Ma!" Both girls yell

Sera lifts her chin to signify she's listening.

"Who's taking us today?" Asks Sula

"I'll have Pierre take you." She says before she enters her bedroom and shuts the door.

She released a deep breath before walking over to her vanity. She sits on the small stool in front of the mirrors.

She opens the secret compartment and pulls out a small folder.

She opens and empties's the contents of the folder onto the vanity.

She smiles sadly at all the trinkets and pictures.

In her left hand, she twirls a ring she picked up from the pile and in the other, she holds a picture of her and seven men.

She smiles at how young they all were and how carefree.

Though she regrets being so close with them. Had they known she was betrothed would they have still pursued her?

She smiles as she found the small similarities between the children and them.

"Is it time?" She asks herself, "Should I even try to fight them?" She wonders


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