Chapter Forty-Eight: Birthday

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Before Elaine had the chance to speak, Mionie' did. "Stop it Harry.. I know where you're going with this"

"It's happened. He's one of them" Harry said.

Something in Elaine wanted to scold him, and tell him it wasn't true. But she knew a part of her knew it was a possibility. But no matter what, she vowed to protect him.

"Harry you're delusional.. Stop this crazy talk at once. I know him. He's not one of them" Elaine said angered at him for even saying it.

"One of what..?" Ron spoke.

"Harry is under the impression that Draco Malfoy is now a Deatheater" Hermionie said.

Just those words made the knot her my stomach pull harder, he couldn't be. she hoped he was safe.

"You're lying.. what you know? a fellow like Malfoy" Ron said.

"Then what's he doing in Burkin and Burkes? Browsing for furniture?" Harry spoke rolling his eyes.

"Its a creepy shop... he's a creepy fellow" Ron said which made Elaine slightly laugh at the situation.

"His father is a Deatheater.. it only makes sense" Harry said.

Elaine couldn't take it anymore, "His family doesn't define him Harry! So what, i'm the daughter of the most evil human being, am i the same? Am i evil?" she said standing up.

"Elaine.. you know that's not what i meant.." Said Harry.

"Well i'll like to think otherwise. I'll see you at Hogwarts" she said while storming out the compartment.

Elaine sped through the crowded hallways of the train, bumping into too many people she couldn't possibly count. Once she made it to the Slytherin section, and she stood infront of him, she froze.

Blaise, Draco and Pansy starred at her for a moment before she finally spoke. It looked like they were looking at her scars. great she thought.

"Can we talk..?" she spoke directly at Draco. He hesitantly nodded, and they entered an empty compartment.

Looking at him now, she could see he wasn't well. He looked terrible.. but so did she. She wasn't here to pressure or question him, she honestly had no idea what she was planning to say.

"I'm sorry.. I don't know what i did, or if you're okey. I'm not mad, or here to pressure you for answers. I've been worried about you all summer. I only have one question for you i promise.. Are you okey" she said rambling.

"Not really.. i've missed you. I'm sorry i didn't respond, i've sorta been in a dark place. Forgive me my love" Draco said and that's all she wanted to hear.

"It's okey.. i've also missed you... Your face" she said using her hand to cup his face. "You're hair" she said running her hands through his hair. She got closer.

"Your lips.." She said connection their lips. Elaines pain was all worth it, for him. She'll feel it a thousand times if it meant she was with him.

Draco smiled and took her arm to lead her into the compartment. They sat opposite to Pansy and Blaise and talked with them for a while, Draco stayed silent most of it. He was a bit different, but Elaine understood.

Suddenly, there seemed to black dust roaming the area. Elaine coughed and coughed until the dust eventually went away. Draco helped her steady herself before Pansy said it was probably a first year.

Draco looked a little suspicious but in the end sat down.


Before she could notice, they were at Hogwarts. Elaine took her luggage, and waited for Drafo to get his. He pulled her sleeve and said "I'll be right there my love i have to do something first" Elaine hesitantly agreed and left with the rest of the group.


Elaines been waiting by the carriages for a while, and she couldn't help but be worried. All the students were heading off already. Harry wasn't there either.

Elaine waited a bit longer, and soon enough Draco appeared. She hugged him and grabbed her luggage, while he grabbed his. Elaine was worried for Harry but she also wasn't in the best mood to speak to him.

She trailed besides Draco to the carriages and hopped on.

As Elaine sat next to Draco, eating her meal, she could see Harry entering. She saw he had a bloody nose which was in no doubt Draco.

Elaine decided to stay quiet, since Harry probably said something to anger Draco. After a bit, Dumbledore stepped up.

Elaine has listened to this speech multiple times, but she found herself listening carefully this time.

"Let me introduce our newest member of our staff, Horance, Slughorn" Dumbledore said which erupted in claps.

Dumbledore continued by announcing Snape would take over Defense against the Dark Arts. It also erupted into several gasp, and claps.

"As you know, each and everyone of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight. And you have the right to know why. Once, there was young man.." Dumbledore started again.

Elaine felt a lump in her throat and knew were this was going. She frankly wasn't sure if she could handle this. Her nerves calmed to Dracos hand brushing over hers, and taking it. She inhaled and exhale while trying to not let her nerves take over.

"Which like you, sat in this very hall. Walked this castles corridors. He seemed to all the world, a student like any other. His name was Tom Riddle" Dumbledore said.

This made the room be filled with gasp and worrisome breaths. Elaine could feel her heart beating faster, and often remind herself it was

However, the strangest part of this all, was Dumbledore. He stared at Elaine throughout this whole thing. Elaine wondered why. Did he know..? There was no possible way.

"Today of course, is know all over the world by another name. Which is why as i stand looking up upon you all tonight, I'm reminded of a fact. Everyday, Every hour, this very minute perhaps, Dark Forces try to penetrate this castles walls. But in the end, the greatest weapon.., is you" Dumbledore finished off.

As he said this, the word "you" he looked at Elaine. He knew. There's had to have been a way he knew. Elaine felt nausea due to the overwhelming pressure stir up.

The last thing Elaine did, was run to the closest bathroom.

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